
Nourish your body over the holiday season

Come the new year, it’s all too easy to overindulge and overload your system with all the summer festivities on offer. Fortunately GO Healthy’s Go Superfood range is the perfect way to give your body a boost when it’s in need of nourishment. Choose from 14 superfood products to replenish and recharge when you need it most.

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The benefits of whole grains for building muscle

What can whole grains do for muscle mass?

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The many health benefits of fermented dairy

Why you should be adding more fermented dairy into your daily routine

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Complete proteins for vegetarians and vegans

What are the best sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans?

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5 Food myths debunked

Facts helping you make better choices for your health and well-being.

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Lower Your Risk

Type 2 diabetes has become a world-wide issue, as overconsumption of fast foods and lack of exercise put populations at risk. Here’s how to keep diabetes at bay.

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Foods with amazing healing benefits

Foods for healing: Kitchen remedies you already have in your cupboard.

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Superfoods to start eating now

Boost your nutrition with these top superfoods you should be eating more of.

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What not to do at breakfast

Start the day off right with our top tips to ensure you get the most our of your breakfast.

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Fruit, vegetables and weight loss

Why eating more fruit and vegetables doesn’t necessarily lead to weight loss

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Foods to fight depression

Depression is marked by despondency, sleep disturbance and poor self-esteem. In many cases, making changes to your diet and lifestyle can help beat the blues.

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Think before you eat

This is what happens to your body an hour after eating a ‘Big Mac’

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4 Foods to Fight Inflammation

Heal your gut with these powerful and delicious foods to fight inflammation.

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Kombucha is a drink made by fermenting sweet black tea with a living colony of bacteria and yeast. It’s lovely and refreshing, and is also a probiotic that promotes gut health.

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New study debunks paleo diet myth

New research suggests ‘Paleolithic’ humans would not have evolved on today’s ‘Paleo’ diet

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Foods To Help With Menopause

A time of great upheaval for many women, the symptoms of menopause can be tempered by choosing the right foods and making lifestyle changes.

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White bread link to obesity

Children’s white bread consumption blamed for rising obesity levels in Auckland.

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Butter wins over margarine in health debate – latest research

Margarine’s trans fats deadlier than the saturated fats found in butter, according to new study

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What really happens when you drink coke

What really happens when you drink coke A scientist explains what really happens to our body just an hour after […]

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Could this be a cure for coeliac disease?

Can the cure for coeliac disease be found in egg yolks?

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New study suggests fine dining isn’t the best for our wallets or our waistlines

Could eating at beautiful restaurants be just as bad for our health as fast food?

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Lorde gives back to New Zealand schools through ‘Give Two’

New Zealand native Lorde teams up with a national food initiative, EAT MY LUNCH, to stop school kids going without.

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Science shows eating gluten-free isn’t actually any healthier for most

New research debunks gluten-free ‘healthy eating’ myth.

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How one small Bindi could save lives

350 million people are at risk of iodine deficiency. See how this Bindi is changing the lives of many.

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