We’re taking up the mantle and ‘myth-busting’ the top 5 lies we tell ourselves about food and health.
Myth 1:
“It doesn’t count because they’re so very small”.
Sadly, everything counts.
We tell ourselves, “Just one won’t hurt, they’re tiny”. It’s hard to believe how many calories we can stealthily consume without realizing it. Those friendly bite-sized pieces of chocolate, like Ferraro Roche, are at least 73 calories each, and during the festive season it isn’t too hard to end up lying in a field of golden wrappers.
Myth 2:
This treat is naturally sweetened so it must be OK.
It’s easy to think that naturally sweetened foods are healthier than refined or processed foods, but that’s not always the case. It is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate the effects of many sweeteners with current marketing claims and celebrity endorsements. The key to control is being aware that stevia, agave, and honey are the same metabolically as regular sugars— which means that ultimately they raise insulin levels and are stored as fat.
Myth 3:
My schedule is too busy to fit in exercise.
You don’t need to do ‘Leg-Day’ or ‘Boot Camp’ everyday at the gym to see the positives of being physically active. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults make time for 150 minutes (2 and a half hours) of aerobic activity per week. Try things like jogging to work or if you cannot set aside 30 continuous minutes, try splitting it, for example, 10-minute workouts three times a day.
Myth 4:
I can’t afford to eat healthy.
Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy on a budget is achievable. An easy way to cut costs is by buying fruits and vegetables in-season. According to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average price for fresh fruits and vegetables recommended for a 2,000-calorie diet is $2.18 USD per person per day. The study found that the least expensive fruits and vegetables were watermelon, bananas, apples, pears, pineapple, peaches, potatoes, lettuce, eggplant, and carrots.
Myth 5:
It’s a smoothie, so it’s healthy.
It’s seems logical to think of smoothies and juice as healthy, researchers have dubbed this assumption the “health halo”. Smoothies and juices pack nutritional value with vitamins and natural sugars, however we mustn’t forget that they are small meals in themselves rather than a means to quench your thirst. Ask for the nutrition information for your favourite smoothie or juice and you might be surprised by the amount of calories or kilojoules they contain.
Let the truth set you free to maintain long-lasting good habits. Myths = busted.