The Bindi, whilst traditionally used for it’s cultural and religious significance, has found a new purpose thanks to a partnership between the Grey Group and the Neelvasant Medical Foundation and Research Centre.
In India alone, over 350 million people are at risk of having an iodine deficiency. According to the World Health Organisation, iodine deficiency is the world’s most prevalent – yet easily preventable, cause of brain damage. Amongst leading to stillbirth, spontaneous abortion and congenital abnormalities in pregnant women, iodine deficiency can also have disastrous effects on the human brain and body.
As such, one company is looking to reduce these avoidable conditions by creating an every day object that acts to reverse and prevent the signs of deficiency.
Whilst this is a global problem, parts of rural India suffer greatly because iodised salt – one of the cheapest most effective way of reaching your daily recommended intake – is entirely unavailable.
Knowing this, Grey For Good invented a way for the mineral to be administered through more direct means. As such they created the ‘Life Saving Dot’, or the ‘Jeevan Bindi’ that is coated in iodine and acts like a patch to delivery dosage straight through the skin.
Each Bindi delivers up to 150 micrograms which is the daily recommended amount for women.
The company has also made sure the supplements are affordable by pricing 30 days worth of dots at 10 rupees, or 16 cents.
So far more than 30,000 women in over 100 villages have received the life saving Bindis.
Whilst their long term effectiveness – in regards to how they operate within severe weather conditions – are still being tested, this is a transformative step in controlling a severe health crisis.