
Keep the coffee in the pantry: Foods you shouldn’t put in the fridge

From tomatoes to coffee beans, some foods aren’t meant to be kept cold, and the reasons may surprise you. Here are eight items that simply don’t belong in the fridge.

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4 ways to heal your gut and reduce inflammation

How to harvest better gut health, reduce inflammation and heal from the inside-out.

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Magic beans: The power of pulses

Top five reasons to learn to love your legumes.

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Fermenting for health – 5 fermented foods you should be eating right now

Fermented and pickled foods are a powerhouse of nutrients. These bacteria boosting foods are known for their ability to take food through the seasons, but what many don’t know about is their incredible ability to heal our gut.

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Tips for managing ADHD through diet

Diet deficiencies have been linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. To try to minimise such symptoms as inattention and impulsivity, changes to what you eat may make a positive difference.

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Is canned fruit as good as fresh?

A new study shows that nutritional content of canned fruits are as good as fresh, and in some respects better.

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Food as medicine? Exploring the Japanese practice of ‘nuchi gusui’

Are we treating food all wrong? We look at one Japanese practice that sees food as medicine and eating as a ritual.

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The health benefits of olives

Salty, tangy, aromatic –  one can’t help but savour the rich flavours of olives. Whether you’re eating them whole, or drizzling oil on a dish, olives offer a variety of wonderful health benefits.

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Vegan-friendly foods that are rich in iron

It’s a common myth that those on a plant-based diet often suffer from a lack of iron. And while animal products are a great source of iron, it doesn’t mean you can’t find it anywhere else.

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Why vitamin D is so important for your health

4 reasons why getting some sun will enhance your health.

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The health benefits of strawberries

Delightfully sweet and irresistibly juicy, the humble strawberry not only tantalises the taste buds but also boasts an array of impressive health benefits.

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10 signs you might have an iron deficiency

Not quite feeling yourself lately? Here are ten signs you may have an iron deficiency.

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Food for your mood

What you put into your body may be having a significant effect on your mental health. MiNDFOOD looks at foods we can eat to prevent or alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression, and provides recipes to help up your intake.

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The important health benefits of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the 13 essential vitamins our bodies need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As an essential vitamin, our bodies cannot produce it naturally, so we must find it in food or supplements.
From preventing anaemia, to strengthening bones, B12 has many vital benefits.

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6 amazing health benefits of raspberries

Here’s why you should be eating this tiny red berry.

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New study reveals how social media affects our food choices

Scrolling through social media impacts how we decide what foods to eat, according to a new study.

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10 ways to enjoy pizza without the guilt

Everybody loves pizza – but it can be high in calories, sodium and saturated fat, so we can’t enjoy it as often as we’d like to.

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Probiotic foods that are great for gut health

Kimchi to kombucha – everywhere you go, dieticians and foodies are touting the benefits of probiotics. From improving your digestive […]

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The ugly truth about ‘detox’ tea

Consumer NZ calls for stronger regulation on diet teas to protect consumers against misleading claims.

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Foods that are rich in vitamin B12

When it comes to essential vitamins, B12 is a powerhouse. It supports the all-important formation of red blood cells, helping […]

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Fight inflammation with these 5 superfoods

Could the food you eat hold the secret to warding off chronic inflammation?

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Is Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C better than other supplements?

Most of us know that vitamin C is a great way to boost the immune system. But the benefits go beyond fighting off colds. From promoting healthy gums and teeth to aiding in the absorption of iron, vitamin C is an essential part of a healthy life. So how do you decide which supplement to take?

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Fitness Expert Criticises Adele’s Personal Trainer

A leading personal trainer has spoken out about the approach Adele’s trainer has taken to her weight loss journey.

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This is the nut you should be eating for better gut health according to a new study

Researches have uncovered another good reason to add this nut to your daily diet.

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