
Hold the phone for better health

Research shows it might be time to pull the plug on social media.

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Smart Eating: Pressure Point

Getting your blood pressure checked is standard practice, and the result can tell an important story about your health. It’s good to understand what the numbers mean, but we also need to know how to keep them under control.

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Spot of Bother

One compensation of getting older, or so we all thought, was no more skin breakouts – unfortunately, adult acne can’t be wiped away with cleanser. Experts say ageing skin can be just as prone as when we were in our teens.

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No sad link

New research suggests reduced daylight levels are not the cause of depressive episodes during autumn and winter months.

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Motivational Mondays: Get started, stay inspired

Need a little extra motivation? These top tips for will give you the ammunition you need to get started and stay inspired.

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Health benefits of Rose Hip

Whether in powder or oil form, these powerful little seeds have a vast array of health benefits for the body, mind and soul.

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3 ways to soothe your stressed-out stomach

Do you find your stomach in knots after a stressful week? Try these tips to ease an overworked and stressed-out tummy.

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Refugee camp closure will set hundreds of thousands adrift

Kenya is set to close Dadaab refugee camp, the world’s largest refugee settlement, setting adrift more than 300,000 refugees. The […]

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Lay Your Head Down to Sleep

We often joke about being sleep deprived but, unfortunately, the reality is that many of us don’t get enough shut-eye.

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Water Therapy

Can living near the ocean decrease stress and improve our mental health?

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Bouncing back

Few of us get through life without facing trials and tribulations. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed but you can boost your resilience by changing the way you think about adversity.

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Five ways to safeguard your mental wellbeing this Autumn

Don’t let the cooler weather season get you down, with these five ways to stay happy and content over the coming months.

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5 reasons to give in to the colouring craze

Adult colouring in has captured the world’s attention and it’s not going away any time soon. Here’s why you should follow suit and give in to your inner child.

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The Ins & Outs of Mindfulness

Mindfulness could well be one of the most popular buzzwords of the last few years. The problem is, many people don’t know what it actually means. So how does mindfulness meditation differ from spiritual-based practices? And how can you factor it into your life?

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How to beat hay fever naturally

Hay fever doesn’t just rear its ugly head in Spring, seasonal allergies can happen all year round. Here are the best ways to treat hay fever naturally.

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Ayurvedic Spices: 3 of the best

Medicinal spices can do more than add depth of flavour to foods. Try these 3 Ayurvedic spices to help heal, correct and balance your body.

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Green brew benefits

Green Tea has a high concentration of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that is reported to play an important role […]

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Is your glass half full or half empty?

We know the benefits of hydration, but what exactly happens to the body when dehydration occurs?

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Kitten therapy: A new prescription for stress?

What would happen to your stress levels if you were placed in a glass box… filled with kittens?

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Moving meditation ideas to quiet the mind

Find the right moving meditation practice for you.

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How to unwind in 48 hours

Make the most out of your weekend and recharge in just 48 hours with these simple tips.

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Curing jet lag could be easy, researchers say

Forget exercise, melatonin tablets or any other form of supposed jet lag cure, researchers say it could be as simple […]

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10 steps to creativity

Suffering from brain freeze and need a little inspiration? 
Follow these simple steps to get your creative juices flowing again, MiNDFOOD reports.

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How to kick your snooze button habit

We all want more sleep, but hitting that snooze button in the morning could be doing you more harm than good. Here’s our top tips to end your snoozing habit.

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