
Why we self-sabotage and how to prevent it

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Human behaviour expert Joe Pane delves into the psychological intricacies of self-sabotage and outlines strategies to overcome these patterns....

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Being healthy is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. As our lifestyles change, so does our level of healthiness.

Those of us who participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve the current and future level of our health. We strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our healthiness also improves and we experience less disease and sickness.

When most people are asked what it means to be healthy, they normally respond with the four components of fitness mentioned earlier (cardiorespiratory ability, muscular ability, flexibility, and body composition). Although these components are a critical part of being healthy, they are not the only contributing factors. Physical healthiness is only one aspect of our overall healthiness.

The other components include: social, mental , emotional and spiritual health.