
Change your diet to beat insomnia

We all know that quality sleep is essential for optimising health and wellbeing, but did you know your diet could hold the key to a good night’s rest?

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Tax on sugar

A teaspoon of sugar may let the medicine go down as the famous line of Mary Poppins trills but not 10, which is what the average soft drink contains.

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4 foods you shouldn’t scrap

Think twice before binning these fresh food ‘scraps’. Under their hard or leafy exterior, they’re hiding a powerhouse of nutritional benefits.

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Sugar, not fat, the greatest risk of obesity

When it comes to obesity, fat may not be our friend but sugar is definitely the enemy, say US filmmakers.

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5 weight loss myths to avoid

We’ve all been guilty of committing these weight loss sins, but here’s why you should avoid them.

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Coffee could help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

Not sure if you should be reaching for that third coffee? There may be some health merit to your daily caffeine ritual.

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Protein essential for muscle maintenance in older people

High-quality dietary protein, such as that naturally found in dairy foods, is essential in maintaining muscle for older people.

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Is your diet making you depressed?

People who consume fast food are 51% more likely to develop depression. These 5 easy tips will help you ward off the mental illness.

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Eating for your heart

The heart has a big job, pumping blood to every cell in your body – so it’s important to keep it fighting fit by filling your diet with heart-friendly foods.

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Could a chocolate pill boost heart health?

Not sure if you should be reaching for a piece of chocolate? Then read on, as a new study may help you decide.

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Quinoa, Spinach & Egg Bake

Quinoa, Spinach & Egg Bake. With a strict gluten-free diet the only medical treatment for coeliac disease, food choice is […]

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Why we must focus on fibre: groundbreaking report

A high-fibre diet can ward off diseases, obesity and inflammation. Here are tips on how to introduce more into your diet.

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Could cooking meat be a dementia risk?

New research has us asking if the chemicals released when browning meat could increase our risk of dementia.

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Tax on fizzy drinks could save lives

A 20 per cent tax on sugary fizzy drinks could postpone 67 deaths a year, a New Zealand study has determined.

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Back to school lunchbox masterclass

Getting children involved in packing wholesome, nutrient-rich lunchboxes is key as parents prepare for back-to-school.

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The healthiest places to eat in the world

Oxfam have released a report detailing the best and worst places to eat around the world in a bid to highlight the broken state of the global food system.

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Activating Nuts: Is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Experts are touting the process of activating nuts before eating them. But what exactly are the nutritional benefits, if any?

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Diet drinks can increase appetite and weight gain

A US study has found overweight Americans who drink diet beverages also consume more food throughout the day.

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Half an avocado a day keeps snacking at bay

Eating half an avocado at lunchtime can help you feel fuller and reduce your chances of snacking by up to 40 per cent.

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Healthy summer recipes

Ex-Olympic swimmer and mother-of-two, Susie O’Neill shares her top tips and favourite recipes for a healthier summer.

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Buffaloberry tipped as next superfuit

Forget the Goji Berry – the buffaloberry is the next big superfruit making waves in the health world.

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Don’t quit sugar

Nutritionist and self-confessed foodie Cassie Platt explains why you should not quit sugar.

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Top tips for making lunch count in 2014

We share an accredited dietitian’s top tips for making lunch count in the New Year so you can achieve your health goals.

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Mireille Guiliano’s top tips for eating the French way and not getting fat

Mirelle Guilliano, author of ‘French Women Don’t Get Fat’, shares her top tips for staying trim the French way.

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