
3 life lessons we can learn from Brené Brown

In 2004, Dr Brené Brown became a global sensation after her Ted Talk, ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ went viral. Since then, she’s gone on to film a Netflix special, write several books, and open a training programme for professionals.

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Conversations about consent need to start early, and parents need to get comfortable with it

Psychiatrist Dr. Gaiathry Jeyarajan envisions a future where parents are comfortable having conversations with their kids early on about consent and boundaries.

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Sarah Jessica Parker shares marriage advice after successful 25 years

On her trip to Australia, Sarah Jessica Parker talked about how her marriage has survived for 25 years, despite its challenges.

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Why you need to set boundaries in your relationships

Do you struggle with saying ‘no’ in your relationships? Australian clinical psychologist Dr Rebecca Ray explains the importance of boundary-setting.

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4 friendship boundaries you need to have in your life

Friendships – at times, that can be even more complicated than our romantic relationships. So, how can you get rid of toxic friendships and build healthier relationships with your friends? Neuropsychologist Hannah Korrel explains. 

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Holland Taylor opens up about her sexuality and going public with Sarah Paulson

Holland Taylor doesn’t want to be defined by her sexuality.

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How to deal with toxic relationships and righteous indignation

Righteous indignation is typically a reactive emotion of anger over mistreatment, insult, or malice of another. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice.

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Is constant arguing sending you to an early grave?

Arguing frequently with your partner, friends and family increases your chances of a middle-aged death.

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Is Romanticism ruining your love life?

Romance – it’s something we all look for when it comes to choosing a partner. But could the stories of ‘happily ever after’ be leading us down a path of disappointment?

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Busy Phillips shares the key to a successful relationship after a near-miss divorce

American actress, writer and chat show host, Busy Philipps is beloved by many for her candid honesty and no holds […]

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Emma Watson declares herself ‘self-partnered’

Emma Watson is single, but The Little Woman star calls it “being self-partnered.”

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Michelle Williams on being a working mum

Despite being a four-time Oscar nominee Michelle Williams says that “Being a mother is my primary identity, and it relates to everything I see and do and think.”

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What is the most important attribute in a partner?

If you think good looks or plenty of money is the no. 1 attribute we look for when seeking a partner, you’d be wrong.

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Who runs your house?

Does it feel like your kids run the house? We share the top 5 tips to setting boundaries for children’s behaviour.

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Working mums’ kids do fine

Children of career mums do just as well at school as children with stay-at-home-mums, research has shown.

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Relationships: yes, you do have a type – and it’s likely to be your ex

A new study reveals that people do indeed have a ‘type’ when it comes to dating, and that despite best intentions to date outside that type – for example, after a bad relationship – some will gravitate to similar partners.

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4 questions to ask every day in a relationship

We often think that relationship advice is about love and romance and telling you how to have the perfect relationship. […]

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Why it’s sometimes a good idea to sleep with your ex

“One, don’t pick up the phone; You know he’s only calling ’cause he’s drunk and alone Two, don’t let him […]

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The key to happy marriage? It’s in your genes

Some people have a gene linked with happy marriages, scientists find. The secret to a happy marriage lies in the […]

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6 simple tools for a truly fulfilling love-life

Six truths about loving the one you’re with and creating a fulfilling love-life.

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Why adults should have more play time

Do you want to improve your performance at work? Be smarter and more adaptable? Have a better relationship with your […]

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Science agrees: hugging does make us happier

Hug it out! A new study suggests that just reaching out and touching someone (hugging) can reduce bad feelings associated […]

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How To Make Friends As An Adult

Making friends is an easy pastime during childhood, but as an adult, it’s a much tougher game.

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Diane Keaton and Her Secret to Overcoming Insecurity

From The Godfather to Manhattan, Keaton has portrayed legendary characters in both comedy and drama. Now she is back, in the upcoming romantic comedy, Book Club.

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