The study, published in the Journal of Epidemology and Community Health, showed that men and the unemployed were most at risk.
The Danish study used data of close to 10,000 men and women aged between 36 and 52 to explore the link between stressful social relations and early death.
Frequent worries, nagging or demands by partners and children were linked to a 50-100 per cent increased risk of death from all causes. Some food for thought to consider next time you enter into an argument with a relative or friend.
If you’re finding yourself carrying the burden of family demands, you could also be placing yourself at a high risk of dying prematurely, the University of Copenhagen study showed.
But researchers also believe that some of us are better equipped then others when dealing with such stress.
According to them an individual’s personality also plays a role in their vulnerability with past studies showing that our character determines how we perceive and react to social situations and relationships.
While constant arguing was found to increase a man or woman’s mortality by two to three times the normal rate, scientists were unable to explain the exact reasons why.
Being out of work was a factor that increased the negative impact of stressful social relationships, with the unemployed at a significantly higher risk of death from any cause than their employed counterparts.
Men were also found to be more vulnerable to the stresses and demands generated by their female partners.
“Men respond to stressors with increased levels of cortisol, which may increase their risk of adverse health outcomes,” the study said.
While Dr Rikke Lund from the University of Copenhagen’s department of public health said that arguments are a part of everyday life, she believes that those more often involved in conflict could be helped.
“Intervening in conflicts, particularly for those out of work, may help to curb premature deaths associated with social relationship stressors,” Dr Lund said.
Previous research suggests a stable social support network of friends impacts positively on our health and wellbeing.