We often think that relationship advice is about love and romance and telling you how to have the perfect relationship. But, who’s answering those really curly questions? More importantly, who’s willing to actually ask them.
Brendon Watt is co-host of No More Sugar Coating, a Q&A vlog that tackles the sticky, awkward and taboo topics about relationships that many others tend to ignore. Co-author of the newly-released book, Relationship: Do You Really Want One?, Brendon sat down with MiNDFOOD to offer up some relationship advice he has learnt first-hand while writing the book with his (now) ex-partner, Simone Milasas.
In the book, the couple look at every aspect of themselves and their relationship – no topic too taboo – and openly and vulnerably share it all with their readers.
“To do this, we’ve had to be completely vulnerable, have those awkward conversations and deal with the messy truth of what it means to be in – and out – of a relationship.”
In order to keep a relationship healthy and thriving, Watt suggest asking the following four questions of your relationship, each day:
What am I grateful for with this person today?
Gratitude and judgement cannot coexist so in asking for what you are grateful for, you take yourself out of the wrongness and into what is possible! What if there was nothing wrong with you or you relationship?
What could I be or do different today to have a greater relationship?
For most of us when we finally get the relationship, we stop creating in order to maintain the relationship. We even stop doing things that where fun for us! Which eventually destroys the relationship. In asking this question you will keep creating you and doing things which are fun for you, which in turn, will expand everything you are creating including your relationship.
If I didn’t have to be who I was yesterday, who could I chose to be today?
Do you ever wake up and think about who you were yesterday and create yourself today based on that? What if you could chose something different everyday?
How much fun can we have in our relationship today?
Take the time everyday even if it’s just five minutes to do something fun together. After all you started this relationship to have fun right?