World Watch

Aussies, Kiwis among world’s best for donating time, money: world survey

Kiwis, Aussies live up to long tradition of looking out for others, says worldwide survey

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They came. They soared. They conquered on a day of world records

Bungee-jumping biscuit-dunking? Thousands go to extremes to get their names into the ultimate record book

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Flying pizza – a world first for NZ

Domino’s claims world first, using drone to deliver pizza to Kiwi customers

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Moo-ving moment: farmer rescues cows stranded by earthquake

For anyone concerned about the safety of the stranded cows – we have good news.

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Harry takes aim at press: claims racist, sexist smears in Markle coverage

‘Harry no longer felt it was acceptable to sit quietly … This is happening because of him, not her,’ Palace says

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Can’t get you out of my head – what makes a song an earworm

Researchers discover why some songs get stuck in your head – and reveal the top of the pops at creating infectious tunes

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When Harry met Meghan: the prince, the actress and the blue bead bracelets

“It’s fair to say that they love seeing each other and there’s a definite chemistry between them”

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Obama trolled – by his own daughter

The First Dad might not understand how Snapchat works but research shows millions of parents are flocking to the social network

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‘Why Kate is different from Diana’

Diana was more interested in high-voltage celebrity. Kate is prepared to do her bit, but it’s not one of the things that she most cares about, says Vogue editor

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Princess Mary as you’ve never seen her before

The Danish Royal Family have released a series of beautiful new family portraits in traditional Greenland Garb.

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Trump’s truest believers start to worry

Trump’s most devoted supporters fear the impossible: he could lose the election.

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Jolie moves into ‘the most private neighbourhood on Earth’

Angelina Jolie’s new home is in a suburb that is so exclusive that it cannot be seen on Google Street View.

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Prince George and Princess Charlotte’s Canadian playdate

There must be something in the air. Princess Charlotte speaks her first word publicly on Canadian Royal Tour.

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Will and Kate make history

All the highlights from day five of the Royal Canadian Tour.

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William and Kate go to university

William and Kate head back to school, becoming the first royals to visit Kelowna since Princess Diana and Prince Charles were welcomed 30 years ago.

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Warm welcome for Will and Kate in Bella Bella

Kate and Will brave the rain and head into the wild on day three of the Canadian Tour.

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Paralympics ’16: All the highlights from the closing ceremony

As the curtain fell on the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, host nation Brazil made sure the closing ceremony was a send-off to remember.

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China’s Kung Fu Masters

The 70-year-old is an expert in suogugong, or body shrinking kung fu, where practitioners dislocate their bones to help them achieve unlikely positions and feats.

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Ceasefire in Syria

The US-Russia orchestrated ceasefire has begun in Syria, but the “regime of calm” is being approached with great caution.

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Obama calls for September 11 memorials to bring Americans together: “out of many, we are one”

Obama calls for us to rise up against hate on the 15th anniversary of September 11.

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Angelina Jolie calls for more women in peacekeeping roles

UN Special Envoy, Angelina Jolie, calls for peacekeeping efforts to be more inclusive of women as widespread allegations of exploitation and abuse mar current peacekeeping missions.

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France’s Battle of the Burkini: uncovering what’s behind the bans

Brigitte Bardot shocked France by revealing almost all. Today, covering up at the beach divides the nation, its government and the courts

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A game-changer in the US election? Perhaps. Perhaps not

Clinton emails to be published days before election; Trump flip-flops on his hardline immigration policy; Melania calls in the lawyers

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2016 Olympics: Adeus Rio, konnichiwa Tokyo

Rio farewells its Olympics, Tokyo picks up the Games baton in sometimes bizarre, sometimes spectacular closing ceremony

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