
3 tips to stay healthy this autumn

Here are three simple steps to boost your immunity and help you stay well this season.

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Daylight saving is over: 5 ways to cope

It’s that time again – for many of us in Australia and New Zealand, our clocks go back one hour […]

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Is your heart in good shape? Try this trick to find out

The heart beats about 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, so keep it in good working order.

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How to embrace Ayliak: the art of living slowly

These days, we’re often being told to relax and stop worrying. But it can be difficult to adopt an easygoing demeanour when our lifestyles are anything but.

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The benefits of drinking ginger tea

Aside from its distinctive flavour, the various vitamins and minerals found in ginger tea mean it’s as healthy as it is delicious.

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A step-by-step guide to sun salutation in yoga

Forget coffee, here is why you should start your day with Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, every morning.

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How to Draw Your Own Happiness Map

Happiness is something we all crave. It is the premise of every choice we make in life. However, it’s no secret that true happiness can be hard to achieve.

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Probiotics and detox: Top 5 tips for not feeling bloated

Feeling bloated – we’ve all been there. It’s not only physically uncomfortable but also affects our mood and self-esteem. So how do we stop it? Here’s a comprehensive guide to avoiding the dreaded bloat.

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How to choose the right meditation style for you

We’re all aware of the many benefits of meditation. Not only does it make you happier, calmer and more productive, it has countless benefits on your sleeping and eating patterns. But, if you’ve tried meditating countless times and just can’t seem to get it, you’re not alone.

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5 signs you should see a podiatrist

As long as they do their job and get us from A to B, many of us tend to ignore our feet and don’t give them much thought. But do this at your peril – feet need attention if we don’t want them to let us down.

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The health benefits of yoga

We know we feel good after a yoga session, but what exactly are the health benefits of regular practice?

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The Self-Care Tips and Tricks The MiNDFOOD Team Are Practising

The MiNDFOOD team shares the self-care tips and tricks they’re living by at the moment.

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4 ways to heal your gut and reduce inflammation

How to harvest better gut health, reduce inflammation and heal from the inside-out.

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How to stock a remedy pantry

Top ten ingredients to include in your pantry for homemade remedies

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Pranayama: a simple breathing exercise to calm yourself

When was the last time you stopped and noticed your breath?

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How to Live a Less Stressed Life

We spoke to Dr. Ron Ehrlich, who shared three simple steps to achieve a less stressed, more enjoyable life.

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Filters and folders: Tips for staying on top of your inbox

Whether you’re a job-hunter, a customer service rep or a CEO, emails can bury the best of us. So here are five tips on how to turn the tables and get on top of them.

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Beat the COVID-19 isolation blues

You’re in COVID-19 lockdown. You have had to retreat to your home for two weeks of self-isolation and now you’ve got the blues. Here are some low-energy boredom busters:

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Christchurch shooting: healing in the wake of tragedy

Traumatic events can throw our world into chaos, and leave us feeling shocked, hurt, angry or helpless. However, we many have found the key to understanding how to best help people to recover from trauma – community connectedness.

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Three easy steps to improve your gut health today

If you want to improve your gut health, here is a good place to start. Research has been coming in […]

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Autumn Immunity Boosters

How to support your immune system and reduce the severity of ills and chills when cooler weather hits.

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Self-hypnosis exercises to improve focus and promote relaxation

Whether you’re stressed, overwhelmed or just need to slow down for a minute, try out these mindfulness exercises to regain your focus and bring a sense of calmness into your day. 

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Healthy hand washing guide

As the deadly new strain of coronavirus continues to spread, the world is grappling with how to control it.

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What is sound bath meditation?

We sat down with Brittany from Brthe to find out about the latest meditation practice that’s got everyone talking.

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