Beauty & Wellness

Why You Should Shop Second-Hand

Many people avoid second-hand shopping because of the belief that it’s weird to wear someone else’s clothes, or that the clothes sold are in bad condition and won’t look nice when they’re worn. However, it seems fast fashion may be behind these discouraging thoughts, telling us that unless something is new, it’s not worth our time or money. But it’s time to leave our reservations around second-hand shopping in the past, and change the way we think for the sake of our wallets, closets, environment and other human life.

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Rejuvenate Your Skin With Warm Sugar Glow Therapy

A treatment worth treating yourself to.

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Does Collagen-Infused Clothing Actually Help Your Skin?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It is the substance that holds the body together. You could say collagen forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure.

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The Reason Why Ariel the Mermaid has Red Hair

If you grew up in the ‘90’s, The Little Mermaid may well have been a staple in your VHS collection. For many of us, anytime the word mermaid is mentioned, we’re taken back to our childhoods, automatically associating the word with the iconic Disney red-headed mermaid.

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Heavenly Hangouts

With its pristine beaches, ideal weather and the friendliest residents on earth, Fiji is the ultimate destination for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.

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Watch Your Mouth: What Sugar Actually Does to Your Teeth

We’ve all know that sugar isn’t the best thing for our teeth. But after countless lecturers from parents scaring us about inevitable teeth rotting, science lessons from dentists, and numerous TV ads, we’re still really not sure WHY sugar is so bad for us. Seeing as it’s Dental Health Week, we talked to dental expert Dr Michael Foley, who shared the impact that sugar is actually having on your pearly whites…

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Why Acne is Such a Sore Spot

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease that can emotionally and physically affect both teenagers and adults. According to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, it’s the most common skin disease in the world.

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Why You Should Switch To The Menstrual Cup

There are many reasons why ditching the tampons and opting for a menstrual cup is a good life decision. Think: saving money, the environment, time and many other winning factors.

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Meghan the Make-Up Artist

Confirmed by her makeup artist and close friend, Meghan has been flying solo on the makeup front. The Duchess is said to have done all of her makeup herself while on tour in Ireland and has been using the DIY technique for other royal engagements too.

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Are SPF Moisturisers As Effective As We Think?

New research has emerged, at the British Association of Dermatologists’ annual conference, that moisturisers containing SPF are often not used properly, bringing into question whether they provide effective sun protection.

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Kate Middleton’s Chocolatey Beauty Secret

We women all know that we have our differences. But one thing we surely can agree on is that Kate Middleton is totally radiant and has the sort of skin that we can only dream about. Well, the dream might be about to become a reality… we’ve just found out Kate’s very sweet skin secret.

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Winter-proof Your Skin with a new Skincare Routine

Winter is the perfect time to overhaul your skincare routine so you step into spring with radiant, healthy skin.

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Dermiotic: The Game-Changing Beauty Product Your Skin Needs

If you’re looking for a product that will restore your skin from the inside out, look no further. Synergie Skin has created a new product that will help your skin live its best life.

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Top Tips for Fighting Water Retention

If you’ve ever felt the horror of stepping onto the scales only to find you weigh a kilo more than you did the day before, you should know it’s probably just a simple case of water retention.

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The Secret to Fast Growing Hair

Your wildest hair dreams are about to come true.

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The Next Step in Your Skin Health Routine

Thinking about taking your beauty routine to the next level? We find out from a skin expert.

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Save Your Life and Sleep In This Weekend

Gone are the days of being criticized for loving a snoozy Saturday. If your memory equates a good weekend lie-in with being dragged out of bed by your mother, it’s time to reassociate. Research shows a good sleep-in could be your ticket out from an early grave.

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The Hydrating Skincare Products You Need This Winter

Dryer skin than usual is common heading into the colder months. Keep your skin hydrated and healthy with these essential products.

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The Wellness Routine You Should Follow This Winter

Three tips to help you adapt to the seasons for better health.

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What Makes a Great Skin Expert?

We find out from the winners of the Caci People’s Choice award.

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How To Get Radiant Skin

There’s an easy way to achieve great skin. Discover the best strategy for a glowing, healthy complexion.

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Nourish the Gut for Radiant Skin

For most of us, a poor diet is reflected in the health of our skin. Nourishing the gut with the right kinds of food is one of the best ways to get glowing skin, naturally.

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Say Goodbye To Problem Skin in Three Simple Steps

Need help with acne, hyperpigmentation, a dull complexion or unwanted signs of ageing? This special product can help renew and refresh your skin.

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Top Tips For Glowing, Hydrated Skin

Nature’s superfood, manuka honey, is not only scientifically proven to be beneficial for our health when consumed, independent research has also shown it can dramatically improve the moisture in our skin.

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