
How long is the perfect nap? A sleep expert explains the science of slumber

Rachel Beard, a Sleep Wellness Manager at A.H Beard shares her insights when it comes to the science of napping. 

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Feathered friends: Listening to birds can boost mood

Academics at King’s College London have reported that seeing or hearing birds has long-lasting mental health benefits.

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Life is short, and for good reason – here’s how to make it more meaningful

In 1605 the great Spanish novelist, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, wrote, through the mouthpiece of Don Quixote of La Mancha, […]

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Move over Hygge, ‘yăng shēng’ is the way to nourish your life in 2023

We have always lived in a fast-paced world but after the pandemic pause of 2020 and 2021, life went from zero to 100 in 2022. Now, more than ever, we need to learn how to slow down and take care of ourselves. Enter yăng shēng, the ancient practice that may hold the key to modern ailments.

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Holiday burnout: why it happens – and three research-proven ways to help you recover

Although Christmas only lasts a few days each year, many of us spend months planning for it. But as enjoyable as all the parties and festivities might be, many people find they feel a bit burnt-out once the holidays have come and gone.

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How to thrive: Live your best life with these 6 top tips

You can begin to thrive right now, wherever and whoever you are. All you need is a little motivation and some sound advice from an expert in the know.

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6 tips to help achieve work-life balance

If you love your job but also love your life outside your job, the news is good for you. Getting ahead at work doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice everything else in your life. In fact, we have some top tips to help you have it all.

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A complete guide to your summer first aid kit

Be prepared with the essentials you need close by this summer to help with every minor emergency.

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Stars share their tips for Christmas stress relief

Feeling a little bit frazzled by the thought of entertaining on Christmas? Overwhelmed by all the present shopping, holiday planning, […]

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Women helping women in finance

Forging a path towards financial success is easier when you have a financial adviser by your side who understands your challenges.

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How to perform a breast self-check

Did you know you should be checking your breasts at least once a month? Here’s how.

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What are postbiotics and how can they improve our gut health?

Many of us are familiar with probiotics and you might even have heard of prebiotics. But what are postbiotics and what is their role when it comes to gut health?

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Binge eating is more common than anorexia or bulimia – but it remains a hidden and hard-to-treat disorder

For many people, the term “eating disorder” will bring to mind its two most familiar forms – anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. What they may not realise, however, is that “binge eating disorder” is more common than the other two combined and can significantly reduce quality of life.

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Social media use and poor wellbeing feed into each other in a vicious cycle. Here are 3 ways to avoid getting stuck

We often hear about the negative impacts of social media on our wellbeing, but we don’t usually think of it the other way round – whereby how we feel may impact how we use social media.

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Use investing to help secure a rewarding future and unlock possibilities

Learn how three Kiwi women have used investing to help secure a rewarding future and unlock possibilities.

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Emma Thompson shares her tips for better mental health

She’s known for her cheery, upbeat demeanour. But Emma Thompson reminds us no one is immune to mental illness.

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Why are some people mosquito magnets and others unbothered? A medical entomologist points to metabolism, body odour and mindset

It’s rare to attend an outdoor party in warm weather without hearing people complain about mosquitoes. They swat away, sit in campfire smoke, cover up with blankets and eventually just give up and go indoors. On the other end of the spectrum, there are plenty of people who don’t seem bothered by mosquitoes in the slightest.

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The vitamin you need when you’re stressed

In times of excess stress, B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining your energy levels and mood regulation.

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Common bacteria may be linked to Alzheimer’s according to new study

A new study has found that Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleatum), a common bacteria, may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

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Incontinence affects one in three women who have had a baby

They’re easy, free and discreet, yet most women neglect the most effective method of preventing, treating, managing and even curing incontinence… pelvic floor exercises.

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Vitamin B can improve liver health and prevent disease progression

The liver, located on the upper-right side of the abdomen, is the largest internal organ of the human body.

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How to stay out of sleep debt

A study by the University of Florida has looked at the consequences of sleeping fewer than six hours for eight consecutive nights – the minimum duration of sleep that experts say is necessary to support optimal health in average adults.

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Michelle Obama Reveals Her Essential Daily Ritual

Michelle Obama has revealed her top daily habit, and how it makes her a happier person.

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Break free of the most common biases holding women back from investing

Women can be great investors, but sometimes doubts hold us back from reaching our full financial potential. We look at three of the most common money biases and how the right attitude and expert advice can help stop them in their tracks.

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