
Can science reveal the secrets to a long, happy life?

With life expectancy at record highs, quality of life is more important than ever. Science reveals that staying active and socially connected are just some of the secrets to a long, happy life.

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Craigs golden rules of investing to help you get ahead of the game

The world as we know it is constantly evolving, but the events of the past two years have caused some changes to accelerate. Whether it’s where and how we work, the value we place on the health of ourselves and the planet, or how we plan for the future, the pandemic has forced choices and brought things into perspective.

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18 ways to use baking soda in your home

It helps make cakes and biscuits rise, but bicarbonate of soda is also a powerful – yet gentle – cleanser with a host of uses.

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Not a fan of cold water swimming? Here’s what you can do to acclimatise to the temperature

With the growth in outdoor swimming during the pandemic, and with more people trying it out over winter, the question of whether the body gets used to cold temperatures if you swim often is much debated.

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Stressed & tense? A busy person’s guide to mindfulness

Fact: life can get busy, and trying to schedule an hour-long meditation or self-care session every other day can seem a bit unrealistic.

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Give your immune system a boost with a balanced prebiotic diet

Meet the ‘prebiotic’, the probiotic’s lesser known, powerful immune-boosting sibling.

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What exactly are the January blues?

If you are feeling particularly sad as 2022 rolls around, know that you are not alone in suffering from what is commonly referred to as the “January blues”.

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Are you suffering from ‘tech neck’? The new trends in health problems

From tech neck to digestive disorders, lockdown has sparked a dark new trend in health complaints.

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Becoming a new parent is challenging – and fathers need support too

Becoming a new father can be a difficult and overwhelming time. And more and more, we’re hearing about the mental health impact this can have on men, with some research suggesting as many as one in ten men suffer from postnatal depression.

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Tick management programs could help stop Lyme disease, but US funding is inadequate

Justin Bieber, Shania Twain, Amy Schumer, Avril Lavigne, Ben Stiller and Kelly Osbourne are just six of the millions of people who report that they have suffered from Lyme disease, an illness that costs the U.S. more than $3 billion annually.

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Research finds hydration supports a healthy heart

New research finds that drinking adequate fluids in mid life may help prevent heart problems in old age.

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‘Embarrassing’ snoring habits dividing households

Thousands of Australians have admitted snoring is having a substantial impact on their relationships.

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Broken heart syndrome on the rise in women

The condition, also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, refers to the sudden temporary weakening of the muscular portion of the heart.

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Research uncovers why you shouldn’t mix different types of sunscreen

Researchers have warned people against mixing mineral and chemical sunscreens, as it may limit protection against the UVA rays.

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Spring Fever: Doctors reveal why hay fever is going to be worse this year

As much as we love warmer days, the change in seasons also means the return of the dreaded seasonal allergy afflictions, which are affecting more of us than ever before.

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How daily ‘brain breaks’ can boost your mental stamina

Neuroscience of leadership and performance expert Vannessa McCamley explains how to support your brain health with everyday exercises.

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Invest in your wellbeing with Craigs’ Women’s Wealth programme

Learn how two Kiwi women discovered investing with the help of their trusted Craigs’ adviser as a way to live better and fund their future.

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Researchers discover how gut bacteria influences brain development

Researchers have now found possible targets for the early treatment of brain damage in premature babies.

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New research shows more than half of young Australians deal with personal problems on their own

To mark headspace Day 2021, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation has launched new research that finds more than half of young Australians deal with personal problems on their own, rather than speak to someone (53%).

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Discover the health benefits of T2’s Wellness tea range

Feeling out of sorts? T2’s Wellness teas can help to see you through a range of ailments.

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How to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine

When it comes to meditation and mindfulness, most of us have heard about the health and wellbeing benefits.

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Take care and love your lady bits – Time to talk vaginas

“Downstairs”, “private parts”, “nether regions”…  the multitude of euphemisms we use for vaginas can reinforce the idea that talking about vaginal health isn’t something we should feel comfortable talking about. 

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Are you drinking enough water? New research suggests drinking may prevent heart problems

Health experts often champion the benefits of drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

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Three holistic remedies for combatting anxiety and stress

These simple holistic approaches could help ease the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

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