
Make peace with what you eat

MiNDFOOD’s resident psychologist Mary Grogan looks at a 
thought-provoking way to develop a healthy relationship with food.

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Rebecca Bennett: helping communities overcome trauma in South Sudan

Psychologist Rebecca Bennett of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) shares her recent clinical experience in South Sudan and explains why, in countries like this, where years of conflict and violence have had a dramatic impact on the mental wellbeing of the population, mental health programs are key for the future of the communities.

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Embracing change

Sense a change ahead but not sure whether you’re happy about it? Mary Grogan shares her tips on how to make change work for you.

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World Suicide Prevention Day: Overcoming the Stigma

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, the theme this year is stigma: a major barrier to suicide prevention.

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Body Image & Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Over half of teenagers are concerned they are too fat or too thin, yet one in 10 would suffer in silence.

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Children as young as 10 aspire to be thinner

Kids as young as 10 are unhappy with their bodyweight and feel the need to shed some kilos, a UK study has revealed.

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Don’t shiver, be happy

While the darker, cooler, and shorter days make it hard to keep a happy disposition, it’s not all doom and gloom. Here are five tips for staying happy this winter.

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Sibling violence linked to poor mental health in kids

Sibling fights have long been passed off as a natural part of growing up, but one new study finds a serious side to this early form of aggression.

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Procrastination be gone!

It’s time to ‘pull your finger out’! We look at 101 ways to stop wasting time and start living your best life.

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Anorexics don’t just think they’re fat, they move like they are too

The disturbed perception of body image seen in anorexics even extends to the way they move.

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Introverted children

Worried that your child is very quiet and keeps to themselves? Don’t be, they may just be an introvert.

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Triangle of health

Our resident kineseologist, Terese Mudgeway, joins us to discuss the triangle of health – the three core components of what it means to be human – and explains why balancing these components is so important to our overall health.

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Can you catch depression? Possibly…

Surrounding yourself with people who are vulnerable to developing depression could put you at a risk of developing it yourself, according to one new study.

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Treating kids’ minds with caution

Doctors have issued a warning about prescribing mood-altering drugs to healthy kids and teens, cautioning that they could have ethical and health implications in the future.

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Do you have emotional intelligence?

Do you have emotional intelligence? Master trainer Sue Langley shows you how to harness yours, to become the best you can be.

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Employers need to be mindful of mental illness

Employers need more training on how to manage mental illness in the workplace after a report found a staggering 95 per cent of respondents don’t feel their workplace supports their mental wellbeing.

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Observe the Observer

Are you attached to the pleasures of life? Terese Mudgeway shows how through mediation, you can conquer your vices.

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Creativity: Part 1

We tend to stop thinking creatively when we finish school. But, as businesses expect us to become more and more creative, how do we unlock this part of our brain? Dr Leigh Hodder explains.

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Creativity: Part 2

Dr Leigh Hodder is back to talk about creativity with us. In this second podcast we explore her tips and techniques for unlocking our creative thinking and cultivating our subconscious ability.

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Understanding Dementia and Alzheimer’s

There are a 100 different forms of Dementia, Alzheimer’s being one of the more common ones. Andrew Italia from Alzheimer’s Australia joins us to discuss the sign, symptoms, risk-reduction strategies and helps us better understand more about this disease.

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Tapping into our brains

Marvin Oka is a world renowned leader in behavioural technology. He joins us to discuss his latest research and gives his tips for how to tap into our different brains.

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How well does your life work?

Are you the victim of your circumstance or the master of your experience? Kineseologist Terese Mudgway helps us find out whether we are happy and how we can make our lives work better for us.

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Feel Positive this Holidays

Lacking in positive energy this holidays? Whether you’re countryside or by the coast, polarity can be affecting your energy balances. Terese Mudgeway helps us channel our positive side.

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Design Your Dream Job

Design Your Dream Job

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Psychology posts.