1. Take up a winter sport
When you can’t change it, embrace it! If you live near the slopes, revel in a little alpine sporting; there’s no better way to spend the chilly months than high up in the mountains. If snow sports aren’t your thing, then get out with the kids for a friendly snowball fight, followed by a hot chocolate, of course.
2. Rug up
As if there’s not enough reason to hate the cold (less sunshine, more indoor-time) the last thing you need is to get sick. So be sure to layer up with plenty of woollies and weatherproof outer-garments (investing in a decent wind-cheater is a good idea) to take the bite off.
3. Embrace the arts
Winter offers a great excuse to stay indoors, and what better way to pass the time than with a good book, film, or music to indulge your senses with. If you’re feeling adventurous, head out to your local museum or art gallery for a heavier cultural dosing; there’s bound to be a great exhibition on nearby. And it’s about time you had something new to offer at the next dinner party.
4. Keep active
As tempting as it might be to give up your daily bout of fitness over the cooler months (the doona is a far more attractive proposition), keeping up your exercise regimen will keep you smiling through the chilly season. Experts have long lauded the mood-enhancing benefits of regular exercise, but not only will you feel chirpier for it, you’ll also feel warmer, with physical activity’s natural impact on body temperature.
5. Eat healthily
Now more than ever, your bodies are craving comfort foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar. But these high GI food groups can leave you feeling sluggish. When we are bloated, our natural inclination is to feel down and not at our best, so resist giving in to those junk food cravings and maintain a healthy eating habit. This will also ensure you don’t have a huge task in front of you once the swimsuit season arrives.