
Regaining fitness after COVID infection can be hard. Here are 5 things to keep in mind before you start exercising again

Are you finding it difficult to get moving after having COVID? You are not alone. Even if you have mild symptoms, you may still experience difficulty in regaining your fitness.

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How do I improve my motivation to exercise when I really hate it? 10 science-backed tips

We’ve all heard those people who say “running gives you a high” or “exercise is addictive,” but for many of us, it’s hard to love exercise. Some might even say they hate it, dread it, or the thought of going to the gym gives them anxiety.

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How to be a better morning ‘workout’ person

How to stop hitting the snooze button and welcome morning workouts.

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Get back into fitness: 3 new workouts to try in 2022

Switch up your exercise routine with this year’s trendiest workouts.

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Want to build a strong core? Try these 5 beginner exercises

We use them without thinking every day to lift, bend, twist and even stand, but weak core muscles can lead to back pain, aches and injuries.

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Running is back! New research shows running participation up 117%

It’s free, requires no equipment, can be done anytime, anywhere and has multiple mental and physical health benefits so it’s no wonder running is one of the world’s most popular sports.

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How to improve your flexibility in winter: 5 tips from a personal trainer

Ben Lucas, Director of Flow Athletic and Flow Athletic TV shares his tips for improving flexibility during the colder months. 

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A step-by-step guide to sun salutation in yoga

Forget coffee, here is why you should start your day with Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, every morning.

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6 signs that you’re an obsessive-compulsive exerciser

There is such a thing as too much exercise, and some obsessive-compulsive fitness people may be doing themselves more harm than good by overdoing it.

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Sculpt your arms with these simple yoga poses

Say hello to strong, lean and beautifully sculpted upper arms with these simple yoga poses. Instructor Charlotte Dodson shows us how.

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6 ways to improve posture while working from home

The achy back, the hunched shoulders – bad posture affects many of us. In fact, an estimated 10% of people […]

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Strike a pose: simple exercises to do at home

Get moving from the comfort of your own home and stay supple and toned with these easy exercises.

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Get out and explore: Queenstown’s Top 6 Autumn Bike Trails

Why not get your adrenaline pumping on some of Queenstown’s best mountain biking tracks? Try six of our favourite trails for autumn right now.

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The research-backed benefits of yoga

This Saturday, yogis all around the world are grabbing their mats and practicing their poses to celebrate World Yoga Day. Turns out there’s more to down dog that you might think. Read on to learn the research-backed benefits of yoga. 

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Why should you monitor your heart rate when exercising?

With the rise in wearable technology, tracking your heart rate has become a given when exercising. When you’re pounding the […]

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10 Reasons to Take Up Pilates

We all know that Pilates is great for core strength and fitness, but did you know it can also reverse the signs of ageing, and help balance hormone levels?

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New workouts to try in 2022

Switch up your exercise routine with this year’s trendiest workouts.

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Jennifer Lopez has Shared Part of her Workout Routine With her Fans

If you’ve ever wondered how Jennifer Lopez stays in shape, you’re in luck as the actress has shared part of […]

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One Run a Week Could Keep the Doctor Away

A new study has found that any amount of running reduces the risk of early death.

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High Intensity Interval Training Boosts Memory According to New Study

There’s now a number of reasons why HIIT should be your exercise of choice.

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Michelle Obama Admits She Always Feels Better After a Workout

Going to the gym isn’t always fun, but once you’ve finished your workout, you always feel better according to former First Lady, Michelle Obama.

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Winter fitness goals: 9 reasons to get moving this week

We get it – it’s wet, wild and windy out there. But here are nine reasons you should get moving this week and give your body and mind a winter pick-me-up.

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The best ways to burn the most calories in an hour

Calories burned per hour is a good measure of how intense a particular exercise is. So, what are some of the best ways to burn the most calories in an hour?

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I Tried… Hula-Hoop Fitness

Hula hooping has been around for decades. But while it was simply a cool party trick in the 1950s, it’s recently emerged as a new fitness fad. Our columnist thinks she’ll be a natural…

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Studies show that fitness or exercise can curb anxiety in patients dealing with a chronic illness such as heart and circulatory problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, mental health problems, cancer, and breathing disorders.

The study demonstrates that aerobic exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology. The behavioural effects of a single exercise “intervention” include improved executive function, enhanced mood and decreased stress levels. The results are a big step toward understanding how the positive impact of exercise may accrue over time to cause long-lasting changes in the brain.

“Exercise interventions are currently being used to help address everything from cognitive impairments in normal ageing, minimal cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease to motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease and mood states in depression,” Suzuki says.

So if you’re serious about keeping your mind healthy and active, it’s worth moving your body too.

Research conducted by Roy Morgan showed that almost three in four New Zealanders doesn’t eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Only around one in three Kiwi women and one in five men eat three or more serves of vegetables and two or more serves of fruit each day, the amount recommended by the New Zealand Ministry of Health.