Poem: Untitled

By Hellie Hadfield

starry night sky illustration

I live in the shadows between night and day

On the border of living, all shut away

While others go live, at home I stay

I live in the inbetween times


My world is small, with a window outside

No one can help, the charlatans lied

Sometimes I wonder if really I died

I live in the inbetween times


When the world goes to sleep, and the stars come out

I open my eyes and roam about

I plan and dream, but there’s no way out

I live in the inbetween times


The dark and the calm, the morepork calls

I am still stuck within these same old walls

Padding the floors, and these sleepy halls

I live in the inbetween times


Thunder rolls, and on the rain pours

Winds howl, and rattle the doors

Yet still the world around me snores

I live in the inbetween times


Then remission comes, and I take flight

No longer confined to the long night

I gather my strength, and all my might

And I leave the inbetween times


Hellie Hadfield

Wellington, NZ


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