Poem: Lifeline

By Maddy Honiss

Lifeline Poem by Maddy Honiss

If my soul shatters,

My father will use his love to put the pieces back together

If my body freezes over,

My mother will hug me tight and warm me to my core

If my heart gets left out in the open, vulnerable to the world,

My brother will build a shield around me to keep me safe

If my spirit gets lost, searching for a way back to where it came from,

My dogs will call it home to play with them

If the racket in my head gets too loud for me to hear even my own heartbeat,

My favourite songs will pierce through the noise and bring the quiet

If I feel alone in the world

My friends will take my hand and show me I am not

If I feel like a ship lost at sea,

Crashing through the waves,

Nowhere to go,

The angels of the ones I have lost will forge an anchor to keep me grounded and steady

If, after all this, I still cannot find myself,

The people who love me will hold me up,

Keeping me from slipping under the surface

If I slip below the depths,

Unable to stay afloat,

Struggling for breath,

The love around me will drag me to shore and breathe the life back into my lungs.


Maddy Honiss

Wellington, NZ


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