Poem: A Blue Kitchen with Yellow Accent Tiles

By Inez Currò

Poem: A Blue Kitchen with Yellow Accent Tiles
Poem: A Blue Kitchen with Yellow Accent Tiles

i hope to find a blue kitchen with yellow accent tiles

one we can fill with chachkies and wedgewood and 100 tiny cats

where the sun can creep in and fade the postcards on the fridge

where the cornflakes go missing sometimes —

they’ll turn up in your scrapbook


i hope to find an old house with thick walls

walls we can dent when we build ikea furniture without the instructions

where we can’t hear the rubbish truck at 7am on a Friday

where i wont wake you when i sing myself to sleep —

unless you want me to


i hope to find a garden with two big trees

one we can fill with artichokes and lavender and native violets

where every stepping stone is painted with smooth decisive strokes

where we can tell the birds everything we know about each other —

they’ll stay unbiased if we argue


i hope to find you everywhere

in every garden, every rock-pool, every home

i’ll fill the places you aren’t with as much of you as i can carry

until we can fill them together


Inez Currò

Wentworth Falls, NSW


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