Elizabeth Thompson, Inner Raoul Studies, 2011. Courtesy the artist and Two Rooms Gallery. Photo: Kate Whitley.. Kate Whitley
Gregory O’Brien, A sextant for the renavigation of the Kermadec Ridge, Astrolabe Reef, Raoul Island, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley. (work on left) Gregory O’Brien, For Rangitahua, an orange orchard, a flying fish, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley. (work on right). Kate Whitley
Fiona Hall, Fool’s tomorrow, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley. Kate Whitley
Bruce Foster, Mapping the Pacific and Mapping the Kermadecs, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley.. Kate Whitley
Elizabeth Thompson, The Ocean of Eden II and III, 2012. Photo. Kate Whitley. Kate Whitley
Fiona Hall, Like there’s no tomorrow, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley.. Kate Whitley
Fiona Hall, Fleet, 2012. Photo: Kate Whitley.. Kate Whitley