
How to avoid toxic perfectionism when planning a wedding

Perfectionists are at risk of a particularly challenging journey when it comes to planning a wedding. Here’s how to smooth the ride.

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Really need those new shoes? Why we can’t resist the appeal of a sale

If you’re one of those people who line up for the Black Friday sales, jump online for Singles Day, or […]

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Why do people with hoarding disorder hoard, and how can we help?

Hoarding disorder is an under-recognised serious mental illness that worsens with age. It affects 2.5% of the working-age population and 7% of older adults.

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Prince George and the Feelings Wheel: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Young Minds

The Princess of Wales recently shared insights into Prince Louis’ school experience, shedding light on an innovative approach to understanding emotions — the “feelings wheel.”

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Overwhelmed by group chat messages? You’re not alone

For many of us, group chats are part of the texture of our social lives. These groups, formed on apps like Messenger or Whatsapp, can be as large as a hundred people or as small as three.

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How to Help Someone Having a Panic Attack

Panic attacks are intense episodes of fear or anxiety that often come on suddenly.

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What is Stimming? Exploring the World of Self-Stimulation

Stimming, short for self-stimulatory behaviour, refers to a wide range of repetitive and often rhythmic movements or sounds.

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Movember returns: How the hairy challenge supports men’s health

2023 marks 20 years of the annual Movember event, where men are encouraged to grow moustaches to support men’s health awareness and funding.

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Robbie Williams newly diagnosed with ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ disorder

Robbie Williams says he has been newly diagnosed with ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ disorder.

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How watching movies could be good for your mental health

Many of us enjoy sitting down to watch a good film because of the way movies can make us feel. A sad film might help us release our emotions or a comedy might lift our mood. Movies can also offer a chance to connect with and explore our emotions in a safe way.

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New Research Reveals Gender Disparity in Risk-Taking

One well-documented difference between men and women is their varying attitudes towards risk.

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Early indicators of dementia: 5 behaviour changes to look for after age 50

Dementia is often thought of as a memory problem, like when an elderly person asks the same questions or misplaces things. In reality, individuals with dementia will not only experience issues in other areas of cognition like learning, thinking, comprehension and judgement, but they may also experience changes in behaviour.

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Our mood usually lifts in spring. But after early heatwaves and bushfires, this year may be different

When we think of spring, we might imagine rebirth and renewal that comes with the warmer weather and longer days. It’s usually a time to celebrate, flock to spring flower festivals and spend more time in nature.

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World Mental Health Day: Championing Mental Health as a Universal Human Right

In 2023, the World Foundation of Mental Health has chosen a poignant theme: ‘Mental health is a universal human right.’ Try these simple practices to promote better mental wellbeing in your daily life.

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I think my teen is depressed. How can I get them help and what are the treatment options?

Moody, withdrawn, down. These words are often used by parents of teens. And young people may say they feel so “depressed” about upcoming exams, or that the world is “just so depressing” these days.

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Four steps for managing excessive stress

Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure, which can worsen if not properly managed.

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Always worrying? 5 simple tips to help you stop worrying

We all know worrying isn’t helpful.

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How to overcome repetitive negative thinking through meditation

Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of negative thoughts? Maybe you ruminate on past mistakes, worry excessively about the future, or imagine worst-case scenarios?

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Anxiety and stress can be lowered through colouring – here’s what research has found

The act of colouring can work in a similar way to mindfulness, by helping people stay focused on the present.

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How to rewire your brain to feel good on Mondays

If you hate Mondays, you’re most certainly in good company. After a couple of days off, many of us have difficulty settling back into our routines and work duties. You may even have dread and anxiety that seeps into the weekend in the form of “Sunday scaries”.

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Sick of being sad? 10 ways to bring joy into every day

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often leaving us feeling drained and disconnected from our own happiness.

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I just want to be happy! 10 tips to help you find happiness

True happiness is a complex and subjective state of being, but there are several fundamental principles and practices that can contribute to a deeper sense of fulfilment and contentment in life.

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Depression is a direct cause of type 2 diabetes, research suggests

 Depression is a direct cause of type 2 diabetes and not just because people may be overweight, new research suggests.

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Why is a messy house such an anxiety trigger for me and what can I do about it?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sight of clutter and mess in your home? Have you walked in the door only to feel overloaded by scattered papers, unwashed dishes and clothes in disarray? Maybe you’ve even had arguments because it bothers you more than it bothers you partner or housemates.

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