
While you were sleeping

According to new research, sleep may allow time for the brain to clean away waste built up from a hard day’s thinking.

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The mind-blowing benefits of walking with women in nature

Walking with women among nature might hold the key to unlocking the cure for anxiety or mental illness.

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Common household chemicals increase miscarriage risk

Canned food and heating food in plastic containers may increase a woman’s risk of miscarriage by up to 80 per cent.

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Five ways to ease back pain naturally

One quarter of the population suffers from back pain. Here are five simple steps to alleviate pain and strengthen your spine naturally.

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Hypnosis helps sufferers of IBS

Hypnotherapy helps up to three quarters of IBS patients, with results lasting up to five years.

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Midwifery care costs less and delivers equally safe care

Midwifery care is more cost effective and just as safe as standard hospital care, according to a world-first study.

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Spring clean your health

With winter now behind us, it’s time to give your health a spring-clean with these simple seasonal wellbeing tips.

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Asthma Awareness Week: Sam’s Story

As Asthma Awareness Week kicks off, so too does asthma season, with parents urged to devise management plans for kids.

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Free yourself from makeup

Shockingly, more than 90 per cent of women don’t consider themselves beautiful! Would you go makeup free for the day?

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The copper dilemma

Researchers are divided over the risks versus the benefits that copper has for our overall brain health.

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3D foot scanner reveals health risks for high-heel fashion slaves

The health risks for high-heel wearers are known. But now 3D scans can show them exactly what damage they’re doing.

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Cocoa keeps brain healthy, improves memory

Drinking cocoa daily could help improve memory function and overall brain health.

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Get Checked: The Essential Health Tests He Needs

In the developed world women live longer than their male counterparts. Here is our list of essential male health tests…

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Drinking coffee halves risk of suicide in adults

Drinking three to four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of suicide by about 50 per cent.

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Fennel helps alleviate PMT

Drops made with fennel seeds could help women overcome the monthly melancholy of pre-menstrual tension.

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Do you carry the “hunger gene”?

Do you always find room for dessert or seconds? You could be living with the “hunger gene”, along with more than half of the population.

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Is your child getting enough sleep?

Is your child lacking energy or gaining weight unexpectedly? They may be sleep-deprived.

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Kitchen pharmacy

Food doesn’t only warm the heart and nourish the soul it can also be a prescription for life, Leesa Oates explains. She also shares a recipe for a flu-banishing tea.

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Joint effort

High-impact activities such as running and jumping can speed up the progression of arthritis.

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A guide to safe plastics

A little food-storage-know-how goes a long way to finding the safest plastic for the job.

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Third-hand smoke causes harmful DNA damage

Scientists warn: lingering nicotine exposure from third-hand smoke is carcinogenic.

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HPV vaccine halves rate of infection for US teens

An Australian-created cervical cancer vaccine has helped to halve the number of HPV infections in female teens in the US.

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Cancer not a modern disease

A 120,000-year-old Neanderthal fossil displaying signs of a tumour may provide clues to cancer’s origins.

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Painkillers pose heart risk

Do you reach for painkillers often? You may want to consider the consequences for your heart, researchers warn.

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