
New Research Explores Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health

New research reveals good and bad news when it comes to sleep and mental health.

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Do you suffer from POPD?

With Christmas just around the corner, many of you will start to notice the signs of POPD begin to manifest […]

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James Middleton reveals sweet request

The Duchess of Cambridge’s brother has a love for animals which has helped him with his mental health.

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Can raising your children with dogs support their mental wellbeing?

Studies link pet ownership to lower levels of anxiety in children.

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Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran on mental health: ‘We’re in this together’

After teasing fans yesterday, the “Gingers United” opened up to the world about mental health – and Prince Harry ensured Meghan was involved, too.

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Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran share glimpse of World Mental Health Day project

Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran have left fans scratching their heads as to what the pair have got planned for World Mental Day.

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World Mental Health Day 2019: Helping you on your mental health journey

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and we look at the many ways you can help improve your mental wellbeing, wherever you may be on your journey.

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ARFID: What is it and how can you detect this eating disorder?

The next time you think someone is a fussy eater you may want to consider the symptoms of ARFID and the impact it has on its sufferers.

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Lie to Your Children & They’re More Likely to Lie as Adults Says Study

Telling white lies to kids could have a negative impact on their adulthood.

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Alexithymia: the thief of feelings – what is it and how can you spot it?

If you struggle to find words for your feelings, you may be one of the 13% who suffers from the mysterious alexithymia. Here’s how you can spot it.

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Artificial Intelligence equal to human ability in medical diagnosis, study shows

AI can give a correct diagnosis from a scan just as well as the expertly-trained mind, new research says.

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‘Close to breakdown’: Prince Harry’s journey with mental health

Prince Harry’s lifelong journey with mental health started without him realising, when he shut away the emotion and grief of his mother Princess Diana’s death until his late 20s. Now, The Duke of Sussex is on a quest to undo that agony by helping others who “suffer silently”.

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New eye tests could detect signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Two simple eye-tests could help doctors see Alzheimer’s coming long before the disease takes hold.

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NZ Mental Health Awareness Week 2019: Everything you need to know

NZ Mental Health Awareness Week starts today. Here’s everything you need to know about getting involved and how you can get something out of the activities, events and resources on offer, no matter how big or small.

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How to become an extrovert: Expert tips on how to say ‘goodbye’ to shy

In our fast-paced, often cutthroat world, where those who speak up loudest are often those who succeed, quieter individuals may find it difficult to thrive and feel happy.

So how do those whose personality is quieter and more withdrawn learn to love living among all the noise? The experts may have an answer.

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Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey team up for mental health TV series

Prince Harry is teaming up with Oprah Winfrey for a mental health TV series to help those who “silently suffer”.

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Winter fitness goals: 9 reasons to get moving this week

We get it – it’s wet, wild and windy out there. But here are nine reasons you should get moving this week and give your body and mind a winter pick-me-up.

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Have we lost our ability to be inspired?

There are times in life when we could all use some inspiration. But just how do we find inspiration and why is it important?

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4 simple approaches to overcoming anxiety

Learn how to perform under pressure with this expert advice on how to cope with anxiety.

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How to avoid business burnout

According to a recent study, one in 10 small business owners in Australia have been diagnosed with depression, stress or anxiety, with many admitting they regret starting a business due to the emotional pressure. MiNDFOOD goes in search of the best advice on how to avoid business burnout.

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Ways to be better at ‘Being You’

Many of us, when facing a stressful social or career situation, have heard the same advice: “Just be yourself”, our loved ones will say. But this guidance (as well-meaning as it is) assumes that we really, truly know who we are.

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Sleep Talking: Can ‘Talk Therapy’ help us sleep?

Can sleeping disorders be ‘talked away’?

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Strike a Pose: Why Body Language Matters

Your body language speaks volumes to those around you. Learning to adopt a powerful physical stance in any given situation can have a direct impact on the confidence you feel.

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I tried… A digital detox

Our intrepid columnist, Cat Rodie, decides to confront her phone addiction by spending an entire weekend tech-free … with no texts, emails or social media – a digital detox.

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Psychology posts.