How to avoid business burnout


How to avoid business burnout
According to a recent study, one in 10 small business owners in Australia have been diagnosed with depression, stress or anxiety, with many admitting they regret starting a business due to the emotional pressure. MiNDFOOD goes in search of the best advice on how to avoid business burnout.

Eena Basur understands this all to well, when her partner left their business, leaving her overwhelmed, uninspired and on the brink. She needed to strategies on how to avoid business burnout.

Basur discovered a class called Right Voice for You by chance, she was able to turn a negative into a positive, inspiring the birth of her new business, a design company focused on creating joyful and clean work and home spaces.

Today, as a Right Voice for You facilitator herself, she incorporates the program into her business, helping her team of architects, interior and furniture designer to realise their strengths, creativity and work with ease and joy. Basur shares her six tips to become less overwhelmed and at risk of burnout:

Expert advice: How to avoid business burnout

  1. Stop judging yourself: Every judgment limits you and stops positive energy and opportunities from flowing into your world. Every time you judge yourself negatively or harshly, you’re putting the breaks on whatever you’re trying to create in business and in life.
  2. Start using your voice: Every time you’re in a situation when you think you would like to say something, start by speaking up inwardly and saying it to yourself. Tune in to how it feels within your body and you will start to get a sense of what is true for you.
  3. Know your key strengths and use them: Being creative with your strengths is a form of expression in the world. Your core strength is often something that comes so easily that you don’t even think it’s valuable. Start getting present with what comes easily to you and use it as often as you can.
  4. Ask your strengths to create more: Once you’ve identified your core strength, be in relationship with it and ask it how you can use it to your advantage in life and business. When you do what comes easily, you bring more of your authentic self to work.
  5. Conscious choice reflects voice: It’s easy to speak or act in ways that may reflect the conditioning we received from parents, teachers or the collective we move in. Conscious choice, on the other hand, makes a powerful impact. Each time you make a choice to speak or show up consciously, get present to the part of yourself that made that decision and notice the impact it has in your world.
  6. Don’t work too hard: Play and have fun. When you’re in creation mode and designing your life the way you would authentically like it to be, work does not feel like work and you do not feel like you are part of the rat race. Instead, you get to create your life and it becomes a big and fun adventure.

Read more: Top Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance


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