
Top tips for taking care of your child’s teeth

Get your kid’s to drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetables and check the labels on foods to improve […]

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Should vegans be eating honey?

Honey is a contentious subject among the vegan community. While some vegans will happily use the sweet spread on their […]

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Fermented dairy products may protect against heart attack

Men who eat plenty of fermented dairy products, like yoghurt and kefir, have a smaller risk of incident coronary heart […]

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Do weight loss diets really work?

Ready to get your food intake under control to lose weight, feel healthier, or just reduce the amount of junk […]

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Blackcurrants the new ‘super fruit’ for those with an active lifestyle

New research is adding to the knowledge that New Zealand blackcurrants are a ‘super fruit’ for those with an active […]

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How adopting a flexitarian diet will help reduce your carbon footprint

A new study shows that meat and dairy products are responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse emissions from the […]

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How to make meals healthier with these 6 easy cooking tips

Do you want to cook healthier versions of your favourite recipes without losing the taste? Try these 6 healthy cooking tips […]

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Eating organic reduces your risk of cancer, says new study

You can protect yourself from cancer by eating organic, a new study suggests. Those who frequently eat organic foods lowered […]

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Intermittent fasting may help reverse type 2 diabetes

Planned intermittent fasting may help to reverse type 2 diabetes, suggest doctors after three patients in their care, who did […]

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11 vitamins and nutrients, packed into only 74 calories – the humble egg

There’s more good news for egg-lovers, as new research reveals the humble egg can reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 21 per cent. […]

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5 foods you never knew were high in sugar

These five foods are surprisingly high in sugar and could be doing your healthy eating a disservice.  We’re all becoming […]

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Mindless eating myths debunked

Discredited eating expert puts in doubt our perceptions about good and bad eating habits, and how we should approach healthy […]

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Once an ‘extreme cult diet’, now scientifically proven and globally accepted

What does Paul McCartney, Natalie Portman and Kristen Bell have in common – their vegetarianism. October is World Vegetarian Month, so what […]

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8 most common food allergies and how to treat them

Food allergies are extremely common, especially with kids. So, what is a food allergy and how do you treat it? […]

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Feeling ‘hangry’? Eat these foods and instantly improve your mood

New research has revealed that the sudden drop in glucose we experience when we are hungry can impact our emotions […]

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Eating junk food raises risk of depression

A Mediterranean diet may help prevent depression says new research. Eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, plant-based food and fish may […]

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Brussels sprouts and broccoli are better for you as you age

Eating Brussels sprouts and broccoli – cruciferous vegetables – is linked with lower fall risk in elderly. Just half a cup of […]

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Are you eating an apple the right way?

Four reasons you should never peel an apple skin. Crunching on an apple, skin and all, could be the healthiest […]

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The quick guide to intermittent fasting – do it like Nicole Kidman

The jury is still out on whether intermittent fasting works. But if you want to try it, here’s the experts’ advice.

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Mediterranean diet has benefits even in old age

A new study suggests the Mediterranean diet can prolong your life, even if you’re 65 or older. Scientists have long […]

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Advice for new mums – the first 1,000 days

September is officially the baby arrival month in New Zealand, with more children born in September than any other month, […]

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An avocado a day: does it help you lose weight?

The fruit is good for cholesterol but scientists worry it’s not all that healthy, especially when it comes to your will […]

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5 reasons to get more asparagus on your plate this spring

The start of spring marks the beginning of asparagus season. Apart from a daily vitamin C dose, here is why you should be packing […]

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Top Tips for Beating Your Sugar Addiction

Having a sweet tooth is a terrible burden to bear. When you can have it, you eat it, and when you can’t, you want it even more. Julia Frances, a reformed sugar addict and certified health and happiness coach, knows firsthand how addictive the sweet stuff really is. Lucky for us (and for you) she shared some top advice on how to combat your sugar addiction…

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