
Psychology and your food: why ritual improves taste

How you eat your food is just as important as the way it’s prepared when it comes to taste, new research says.

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The 8 superfoods we buy above all others

According to a nationwide survey, more than half of Kiwi consumers have bought something in the past 12 months because […]

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That daily serving of fried chicken increases your risk of death by 13%

One or more servings of fried chicken a day is linked to a 13% higher risk of death from any […]

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Why a fasting diet can lead to improved health

Various versions of the intermittent fasting diet appear to have weight loss benefits, however a new study sheds some light […]

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New planetary health diet will help save lives and the planet

A new planetary health diet has been developed that promises to save lives, feed 10 billion people, all without causing […]

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Australians have the world’s biggest appetite for Veganism

Australians have the world’s biggest appetite for learning about all things vegan, as shown by Google Trends. An analysis of searches […]

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Diet high in fibre linked to reduced risk of death and chronic diseases

People who eat lots of food high in fibre and whole grain foods have a lower risk of heart disease, […]

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3 compelling reasons to go vegan

Ever considered switching to a plant-based diet? Here are the top three reasons to ditch the animal products and embrace […]

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An egg a day keeps diabetes away

While it is widely known that an egg a day reduces the risk of heart disease, new research suggests that […]

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The dangers of dehydration

Keep your mind healthy by staying hydrated. Caltech scientists have now mapped the circuit of neurons within the brain that […]

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6 steps to stop that festive season indigestion naturally

Indigestion and the festive season often go hand-in-hand. Here’s are some things you can do to help relieve the burn. […]

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10 fibre-boosting tips for optimising health

A high-fibre diet can ward off diseases, obesity and inflammation. Here are tips on how to introduce more into your […]

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The best foods to eat while pregnant

When you’re eating for two, mealtimes can be a minefield. It can be hard to know what you should eat […]

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Indulge more without the added guilt

You can now indulge in more of your favourite No Sugar Added chocolate without the guilt, and with even more […]

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6 festive tricks to avoid overindulging this Christmas

It’s so easy to overindulge in the festive season. The time of year to let your hair down and celebrate […]

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Have a happy, bloat-free Christmas – here’s how

There’s a lot to love about Christmas – time with the family, drinks with friends and all the delicious food […]

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The best vitamins for gut health

7 vitamins to keep your gut in good shape.

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Orange juice, greens and berries good for your memory, new study

Orange juice, leafy greens and berries may be tied to decreased memory loss in men. Eating leafy greens, dark orange […]

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Do you prefer coffee or tea? The answer might be in your genes

For those wondering why they have a thirst for coffee or a craving for a hot cup of tea, the […]

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10 foods every woman should eat at least once a week

So what is the best way for women to eat? Unfortunately, there’s still no single right answer to this question. […]

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Understanding Food Allergies: Signs and Symptoms

According to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergies […]

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Start improving your gut health today – here’s how

Ways to start improving your gut health today. The incredible complexity of the gut and its importance to our overall […]

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The benefits of a healthy brewed cup of tea

A simple cup of tea has the power to make you feel great, but what goes into a good brew? […]

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Peanut Butter myths, busted!

We dispell peanut butter myths with the help of Mother Earth. Peanut butter is a wholesome and delicious snack, yet there […]

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