
Sun Salutations

Whether you want to improve your digestion, gain flexibility or reduce stress, this basic five-step yoga sequence can help.

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Preparing for winter exercise

Cold weather exercise places greater demands on the body, but a little preparation will ensure you stay active all winter.

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Body of Work

These seven simple steps will help you to increase your strength and tone up. Ditch the weights and expensive equipment and get fit by using your own body weight.

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Interview: Lorna Jane

Donna Duggan interviews Lorna Jane Clarkson, founder of the iconic fitness label Lorna Jane.

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On the “Rite” Track

Unlock the fountain of youth with these powerful yoga poses, which are said to rejuvenate the whole body.

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Swing Into Action

Need to spice up your workout? Then grab a kettle bell and start swinging. It’s a great way to build strength and muscle definition in no time.

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The power of excercise

Personal Trainer David Welsh is back to talk to us about importance of nutrition and the power of exercise in maintaining a healthy body weight. He divulges his tried and tested tips and explains why carbohydrates are our friends.

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You Core and More

Exercising your core muscles is still a vital part of your health and wellness regimen. 
But this routine goes a step further to deliver a more well-rounded workout.

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Balancing Act

The following yoga poses (also known as asanas) are part of an eight-posture sequence that has been designed to balance the mind, body, and breath. This sequence is especially therapeutic for conditions that involve the nervous, digestive, and hormonal systems, including anxiety, stress, digestive upsets, endometriosis, and premenstrual syndrome. These moves can also help relieve lower-back pain.

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Speak active

Nanette Murtie is a psychologist with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES). She explains why walking may be the most convenient mode of activity that we ought to promote in the fight against obesity.

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FITNESS: Shape up

As the weather warms up, so, too, does our 
desire to tone our bodies and shed any unwanted winter weight gain. Weight training is a great way to do it, we show you how.

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Summer health tips

Shaun Cardillo, from NuYu Total Health, gives us his best tips for getting fit for summer, including incorporating more exercise into our daily routine.

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Fitness Revival

People who are consistent with their training are the ones who are the most successful. The key to weight training is doing it two to three days a week. Mix in 30 minutes of cardio a few times a week, and you’ll experience increased energy levels and wellbeing.

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Yoga for all seasons

These eight yoga poses will refresh both your body and your mind, whenever you do them.

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Strength to Strength fitness gallery

Resistance training doesn’t bulk you up, but it does give your muscles definition. Do these simple exercises indoors or out.

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Fun winter fitness ideas

From skipping rope to simple stretches to dance classes, personal trainer Jenny Wood shares fun winter fitness ideas with us.

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Pole dancing, an elderly sport?

Sun Fengqin is a 60-year-old grandmother who has taken up the art of pole dancing in China. MiNDFOOD reports.

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FITNESS: Taut, toned and terrific

What’s your reason for not exercising today? No time to get the gym? Too wet outside to go for a run? No energy after a long day? Can’t afford that dance class? Well, it’s time to put all those excuses aside: Personal trainer Darren Hogan has devised an all-over toning workout that you can do anywhere, anytime, and it takes only 30 minutes 
(skip that TV show, wake up a bit earlier, 
or take a lunchbreak – yes, you can find 
the time somewhere).

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FITNESS: Bye, bye baby body

Fitness First personal trainer Evangelene Bird helps new mums keep up 
with bub by regaining their core strength and boosting energy levels. See how with our step-by-step fitness gallery.

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FITNESS: Energy boosters

It’s easy to feel bloated and lethargic at this time of year with all the overindulging in food and drink, not to mention the hot sticky days where you don’t feel like doing much more than lying somewhere cool. Personal trainer Nadia Norman says the best exercises for boosting your energy levels are ones that are restorative and also work to aid your digestion.

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FITNESS: Tummy Toners

Fitness First personal trainer Darren Hogan shares his top exercises to get your abdominals summer-ready.

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FITNESS: Rise & Shine

Wake up your mind, body and spirit with this time-honoured yoga sequence. Fitness First yoga instructor Gabi Bruce takes you through the asanas.

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Fighting Fit: Boxing workout

Want to build strength, get fit and tone your body fast? Then a regular session of boxing for fitness, also known as boxercise, could be the thing for you. Fitness First trainer Evangelene Bird shares her tips for getting the most out of your session.

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Chop and Change – Karate fitness

Karate student Briar Fleming will be competing in the Shoto World Cup in Bangkok in August. Here, she shares how the martial art has shaped her perspective and demonstrates some of the principal poses.

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Studies show that fitness or exercise can curb anxiety in patients dealing with a chronic illness such as heart and circulatory problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, mental health problems, cancer, and breathing disorders.

The study demonstrates that aerobic exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology. The behavioural effects of a single exercise “intervention” include improved executive function, enhanced mood and decreased stress levels. The results are a big step toward understanding how the positive impact of exercise may accrue over time to cause long-lasting changes in the brain.

“Exercise interventions are currently being used to help address everything from cognitive impairments in normal ageing, minimal cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease to motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease and mood states in depression,” Suzuki says.

So if you’re serious about keeping your mind healthy and active, it’s worth moving your body too.

Research conducted by Roy Morgan showed that almost three in four New Zealanders doesn’t eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Only around one in three Kiwi women and one in five men eat three or more serves of vegetables and two or more serves of fruit each day, the amount recommended by the New Zealand Ministry of Health.