Ageing & Longevity

Scientists Pave the Way for Treating and Managing Ageing as a Disease

Some scientists are eyeing a future where ageing is not an inevitability, but rather something that we can treat and manage like a disease. People are living longer than ever before, with the global average life expectancy having increased by almost 23 years over the past 60 years, according to the United Nations.

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Decoding Dementia: Recognising Early Signs and Distinguishing them from Normal Ageing

Experts say it’s never too late, nor too early, to adopt healthy habits that can delay the onset of dementia.

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Green Havens and Clean Air: Rural Australians Show Lower Dementia Risk, New Study Reveals

People residing in rural Australia face a diminished risk of dementia compared to their urban counterparts. 

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Helen Mirren Celebrates Ageing: Embracing the Beauty of Growing Old and Shattering Stereotypes

Dame Helen Mirren “celebrates” getting older.

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Functional training: The only fitness regime you’ll ever need

If running for the bus, lifting a suitcase or bending over leaves you short of breath then you need functional training. Here’s everything you need to know about the most comprehensive type of exercise out there.

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Why is Healthy Mitochondrial Function Important as You Age?

As individuals age, maintaining healthy mitochondrial function becomes increasingly critical for overall health and well-being.

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Why you should only eat until you’re 80% full

Creating a personal “blue zone” lifestyle inspired by longevity principles is an excellent idea.

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Reducing the Stigma: Paving the Way for a Dementia-Friendly Future

Dementia Action Week serves as a poignant reminder of the critical need to address dementia, a condition that affects the lives of countless individuals and their families.

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What are lymph nodes? And can a massage really improve lymphatic drainage?

How does the lymphatic system work and can massage help improve lymph flow?

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New study shows drug a promising development in dementia fight

A major clinical trial of a new Alzheimer’s drug has shown it is able to slow the progression of symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease.

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How crosswords can help avoid dementia according to new research

Engaging in activities such as computer use, crosswords, and chess may have a stronger association with reducing the risk of dementia in older individuals compared to hobbies like knitting, painting, or socialising, according to a study conducted by Monash University.

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Shedding Light on Heart Failure: 2-in-3 Australians at Risk

Heart failure is a critical health issue affecting a significant number of Australians, with devastating consequences for individuals and families alike.

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How does sugar affect your skin?

Excess of the sweet stuff can contribute to issues like dryness and premature ageing.

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Why is my loved one with dementia sometimes ‘there’ and sometimes not?

It’s not uncommon for people living with dementia to experience fluctuations in their cognitive abilities and levels of awareness. These fluctuations can be distressing for caregivers, who never know what to expect from one day to the next.

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Researchers develop ‘toxic’ protein test for Alzheimer’s

A new Alzheimer’s test could detect signs of the disease well before symptoms begin.

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Turning 50? Here are 4 things you can do to improve your health and well-being

Turning 50 can be the time of your life – but it also means adapting to new challenges.

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How to spot signs of skin cancer

Some simple tips will help you keep an eye on any areas of skin that need checking by a doctor.

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How much memory loss is normal with ageing?

Are you finding yourself questioning whether moments of memory loss are normal, or a sign of something more serious? Two experts explain how memory changes as you age.

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We’ve been studying the same people for 76 years – this is what we’ve found out about Alzheimer’s disease

Using cutting-edge imaging and AI technology, a team of researchers have been observing people’s brains, uncovering key insights into how the brain develops with age.

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What are postbiotics and how can they improve our gut health?

Many of us are familiar with probiotics and you might even have heard of prebiotics. But what are postbiotics and what is their role when it comes to gut health?

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Alzheimer’s disease: surprising new theory about what might cause it

In 1906, Alois Alzheimer, a psychiatrist and neuroanatomist, reported “a peculiar severe disease process of the cerebral cortex” to a gathering of psychiatrists in Tübingen, Germany. The case was a 50-year-old woman who suffered from memory loss, delusions, hallucinations, aggression and confusion – all of which worsened until her untimely death five years later.

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Travel therapy: Research reveals why vacations are good for dementia

Home may be where the heart is but it seems travel can (literally) broaden the mind. 

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What’s this ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer?

You may have heard about the longevity diet, and its promise of an extended life span – but what exactly is it and is it any different to other diets promoting good health?

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What you can do to support a person living with dementia

Dementia Action Week 2022 is from 19 -25 September. This year’s theme is ‘A little support makes a big difference’.

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Ageing & longevity posts.