
The ‘Sleepy Girl Mocktail’ Has Gone Viral: Is it Worth the Hype?

Many of us wish we could get a better night’s sleep. Wouldn’t it be great if it was as easy as a mocktail before bed?

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The Top 10 Wellness Trends For 2024: From ‘hardcore’ biohacking to empowering sports

Research from the Global Wellness Summit reveals the top 10 wellness trends likely to make their mark in 2024.

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Your body already has a built-in weight loss system that works like Ozempic

Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro are weight loss and diabetes drugs that have made quite a splash in health news. They target regulatory pathways involved in both obesity and diabetes and are widely considered breakthroughs for weight loss and blood sugar control.

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The Vital Importance of Rest and Recovery After Surgery: Insights from Medical Experts

Undergoing surgery is a significant and often necessary step in the journey towards improved health. However, what comes after the procedure is equally crucial – the period of rest and recovery.

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What’s the best diet for healthy sleep?

A nutritional epidemiologist explains what food choices will help you get more restful z’s.

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Spas embrace bathing rituals and mineral hot pool immersion for skin and wellness benefits

Take a dip – either hot or cold – and embrace the health and beauty benefits at the newest bathing spas and bathhouses.

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Music Can Help Ease The Blues – But What Should You Listen To?

What type of music should you turn to in order to boost your mood?

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5 dental TikTok trends you probably shouldn’t try at home

TikTok is full of videos that demonstrate DIY hacks, from up-cycling tricks to cooking tips. Meanwhile, a growing number of TikTok videos offer tips to help you save money and time at the dentist. But do they deliver?

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Balance your way to bliss in the new year

Karina Stewart – master of traditional Chinese medicine and founder of Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary – offers tips on how to find balance and calm during periods of stress or change.

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Could you cope with a shock to your bank balance? 5 ways to check you are financially resilient

Imagine the dentist has just said you urgently need a A$2,000 dental crown. A week later, a pipe in your bathroom bursts, causing $8,000 worth of damage. Suddenly, you’ve been hit with a $10,000 financial shock.

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12 Ways To Soothe Your Sensitive System When Other People’s Energy Is Stressing You Out

In a world that often feels fast-paced and demanding, it’s essential to have tools at your disposal to regain composure and find instant calm.

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Why we’re more prone to car-sickness when we set off on holiday

Travel sickness isn’t just hearsay. Nearly a third of people experience motion sickness – and to this day we don’t exactly know what causes it. The prevailing theory suggests it is triggered by a poor perception of movement.

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What is Haytox? The needle-free treatment claiming to tackle seasonal allergies

A treatment using Botulinum Toxin claims to offer long-lasting relief from allergies. But is it too good to be true?

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Debunking Myths Around Gynaecological Cancers 

When cancer starts in a woman’s reproductive organs, it is called gynecological cancer. The main types of gynecological cancer are: cervical, ovarian, endometrial, vaginal, and vulvar.

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The Hidden Dangers of Scrolling on Your Phone While Sitting on the Toilet

In today’s digital age, it has become increasingly common for people to take their smartphones with them everywhere, including the bathroom.

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1 in 10 Adults Suffer Daily: Understanding the Risk of Diabetes

World Diabetes Day provides an opportune moment to shed light on the two prevalent types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2, each demanding distinct comprehension

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The Power of Deep Sleep: A Key to Preventing Dementia

A groundbreaking study conducted by Monash University has uncovered a significant link between deep sleep and the risk of dementia in older adults.

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A 7-Day Routine to Manage Stress and Enhance Well-Being

Life can be hectic and filled with various stressors that take a toll on your mental and physical health.

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Movember returns: How the hairy challenge supports men’s health

2023 marks 20 years of the annual Movember event, where men are encouraged to grow moustaches to support men’s health awareness and funding.

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Why Adele Decided to Give Up Drinking After Being “Borderline Alcoholic”

Adele had publicly shared her decision to quit drinking alcohol.

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Experience Instant Calm with These 5 Simple Yoga Stretches

When life feels overwhelming and stress starts to build up, finding a moment of calm becomes essential.

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Reese Witherspoon Opens Up About Personal Struggles and Self-Care Journey

Reese Witherspoon’s recently shed light on her remarkable journey to self-discovery and self-care.

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Persistent Flu Symptoms: 8 Signs to Watch for Beyond the First Week

The flu (influenza) typically lasts for about one to two weeks, with symptoms gradually improving over that time.

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A short history of insomnia and how we became obsessed with sleep

Insomnia stems from a multitude of factors, from ageing and hormonal shifts to health conditions, medications, and our lifestyle and environment.

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