A significant amount of confidential South Korean data has been stolen by North Korean hackers. It has now been revealed that the data, which was taken during a computer network breach last year, contained information about joint war plans between the United States and South Korea. These plans included Operational Plans 5015, which proposed the removal of Kim Jong-un should war erupt on the Korean Peninsula.
South Korean politician Rhee Cheol-hee says that close to 80% of the leaked data was as of yet unable to be catalogued. He added that it was unclear whether other classified military information was also leaked. South Korean officials are reassessing plans between South Korea and the United States in light of the hacking news.
Col Rob Manning, a spokesman from the Pentagon, told reporters that the United States-South Korea alliance was secure and competent. “I can assure you that we are confident in the security of our operations plans and our ability to deal with any threat from North Korea.”