During the arrest of an attacker, who stabbed a man at London Tube station Leytonstone on Saturday, an onlooker shouted, “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv”. This statement caught on film by another onlooker has become a top trending hash tag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv widely adopted by Londoners defiant against terrorism.
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv Basically the bloke who shouted this has become more famous than the idiot with the knife. Result. Hope victims r ok
— Rich Barrie (@barrierichy) December 6, 2015
Stories are also now emerging of locals at the scene who took great risk to save friends and strangers during the attack.
The Protectors
On Saturday around 7pm in East London a 29-year-old man, suspected to have a history of mental illness, began attacking passengers at the Leytonstone underground Tube station wielding a knife and claiming, “this is for Syria”. He brutally assaulted a 56-year-old man and stabbed him in the neck, as he lay unconscious. The attacker then threatening others was set upon by some onlookers who attempted to isolate him until the police arrived. Two brave passengers David Pethers, 33, and another unnamed distracted the attacker while others could flee and were cut in the process, suffering minor injuries. The police arrived and tasered the man.
The Doctor
The Leicester Mercury reported that a young medical graduate Matt Smith, 28, passing the incident on his way home from a shift rushed down to the Tube station hearing about the attack from a woman running from the scene. He found the victim in a pool of blood with no one helping, Smith immediately applied pressure to the man’s wound and carried him up the stairs to safety.
The 56-year-old victim was rushed to hospital were he was further treated and remains in a stable condition.