Oprah joined Ellen on The Ellen DeGeneres show, where Ellen revealed she was a little jealous of Reese Witherspoon suggesting she was Oprah’s best friend. “She somehow claims that just because she was in that movie with you she’s your best friend”, Ellen says, referring to the upcoming A Wrinkle in Time. “I don’t know if you’d call that a best friend. She said, ‘well I’m a better friend’; I said I don’t think you’re a better friend.”
A bemused Oprah responded, “Why do we have to have a better or a best…?” to which Ellen quickly replied: “That’s what I said, so I said let’s just acknowledge I am the better friend.” At that moment Reese appears on stage and hugs Oprah, telling Ellen the two spoke that morning and in fact “talk every morning.”
While a laughing Oprah asks: “why can’t we all just be best friends?” Ellen declared they would have a trivia contest to settle things once and for all. Oprah read a series of questions about herself to see who knew her better, starting with “My high school voted me what?”
Both Reese and Ellen were wrong, the former saying “best hair” and the latter “most likely to be on TV”. “No, it was most popular,” Oprah confessed. Ellen ended up winning the contest, but it seems the three friends were able to work it out anyway. “Sometimes dreams really do come true”, Reese wrote on social media after the show. “Oprah and I talked…and we decided Ellen can be #BFF with us”.
Ellen, however, was clearly not over the issue, taking to Facebook to jokingly say: “Today I played a fun game with my best friend Oprah Winfrey and some other friend”.
Watch the three battle it out in the video below.