With their long necks, spider-like legs and distinctive furry coasts, giraffes are strange looking creatures – albeit quite cute. June 21 marks World Giraffe Day, so the team at MiNDFOOD thought that we’d stick our necks out and share our favourite photographs capturing these giant-like animals in all their glory.
World Giraffe Day is an exciting annual event initiated by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation to celebrate the longest-necked animal on the longest day or night (depending on which hemisphere you live) of the year.
According to the Foundation, only 100,000 giraffe remain in the wild. By supporting World Giraffe Day, you directly help save giraffe in Africa.
Toy, a 10-day-old female giraffe named after Israeli singer Netta Barzilai’s song “Toy”, winner of the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, is seen with its mother Laila in their pen at Jerusalem’s Biblical Zoo, May 21, 2018. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun