This movie is a great reminder that women are so capable. How important was that message for you?
The primary adjective I would use for this film is fun, but it also does have that message. I like to play women who are exceptional in some way; whose journey is outward in the world and trying to make something of themselves. Both of these characters are trying to figure out their place in the world. They end up proving to themselves that they have all these skills that they didn’t even know about. And I think that’s my favourite thing to play – people who are just out there kicking ass.
Did you improvise a lot during the shoot?
The script was perfect on arrival which it almost never is. I like to try out different jokes, mostly to make people laugh on the day of the filming and then if it fits in the edit then great. I just like to have a little fun and keep myself on my own toes and if it freaks anybody out then I do apologise. But God, we laughed. We had so much fun. Mila was improvising too, she’s a frickin’ comedian. I don’t know why she says she’s not, but actually, Mila is a seasoned lifelong comedian.
Did any of it accidentally go over the top?
Well there’s a scene where Mila and I are being tortured and we are sharing secrets about the other to try to throw off the woman who’s torturing us. And that was pretty much all improvised or things that our writer/director had thought of that morning. I ruined most of that by laughing but gosh, that was fun.
What did you like about Mila Kunis?
I like her so many things about her. The thing that makes her so incredible on screen is I think her balls to the wall vivaciousness and her ability to just say anything. She’s fearless, magnetic and relatable. She’s warm and funny and all of these incredible things.
What surprised you about her?
I didn’t know how much I would end up respecting her values. Her deepest core values I find to be so wonderful. And I really admire the way that she lives, especially given the amount of time that she’s been a member of the entertainment industry. She is so grounded, so modest, and I have so much respect for her as a person and an actor.
Would she make a good travel buddy?
Oh yeah, oh my God, she would make it so fun.
Where is your favourite place to travel?
Budapest, Hungary is my new favourite city on the planet other than New York of course. But I am in love with Budapest.
Because you know how the East Village in New York is like, “What’s that? What’s that? What’s going on here? What am I looking at?” And to me the whole city of Budapest has the fascination of the East Village and I love the Hungarian language and how inscrutable it is.
Did you like spy movies as a kid?
I was actually a huge fan of the Austin Powers films. I know those are parodies of spy movies, but gosh I really loved those.
How would you describe your friends?
My favourite thing about my life is that I’m still friends with all my friends from when I was eleven years old. And my very best friend and I are quite different. In fact, her temperament is a lot like Mila’s. She’s just gregarious and vivacious and fun and loud and funny and I’m quite reserved and quiet. She’s my sister at this point. It really becomes familial after a couple of decades and it’s the most special thing to have.
How candid are you with your friends?
I think the best thing about friendship is the level on which a person can know you. I tell my best friend every single dark thought I have and she also knows what my mum’s couch smells like and that’s the person who knows me the best in the world. And you have to have one person who knows it all or else you’re alone.