The search for the perfect foundation could finally be over for the women of Auckland. Elizabeth Arden’s new Queen Street boutique opened its doors today launching innovative Custom Colour Foundation technology. Wearing foundation that’s too dark, pale or yellow will be a beauty dilemma of the past as Elizabeth Arden’s beauty therapists can now analyse your skin tone and colour and use the details to whip up a custom-made foundation before your very eyes. The customisation doesn’t stop at skin tone: you’re able to pick your coverage – sheer, medium or full – and opt for either a matte or natural finish. Once your foundation has been created – it only takes a matter of minutes – the Custom Color Foundation analyser can help you find the perfect shade of red lipstick – or plum, coral or nude shades – based on your skin tone.
Custom Color Foundation is available exclusively at Elizabeth Arden’s new Auckland boutique at 62 Queen Street, Auckland, Phone (09) 379 4869.