The 2018 Women’s March drew hundreds of thousands of women to cities around the world in support of equal rights. While New York saw one of the largest demonstrations take place – more than 200,000 strong – it was in Los Angeles that celebrities joined forces and rallied together.
Jennifer Lawrence, Adele and Cameron Diaz took part in the march with handwritten signs demanding change. Lawrence posted a photo of the three with the caption: “I stand in solidarity for women’s rights, equal pay, DACA, CHIP.”
Adele also posted a selfie of the three actors, writing: “the most influential people in my life have always been women…I am obsessed with all the women in my life.” The 29-year-old singer added that: “I hope I’m not only defined by my gender though. I hope I’m defined by my input to the world, my ability to love and to have empathy…I want what’s best for people, I think we all do. We just can’t agree on what that is.”
Elizabeth Banks, Eva Longoria, Viola Davis, Felicity Huffman and Rachel Platten similarly rallied together and took to social media to encourage others to get on board.
Drew Barrymore told her fans she was marching for her two daughters.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus used the opportunity to urge people to register to vote.
Alyssa Milano made a powerful speech about the importance of the Times Up movement. “We formed a movement that is unstoppable and when the time comes time to vote, you’re gonna prove that it’s also unbeatable,” she told crowds.
Natalie Portman also spoke about the importance of gender equality, equal pay and ending sexual harassment. Watch her speech below.