In between his busy schedule making blockbuster flicks for Marvel and Star Wars, Kiwi filmmaker Taika Waititi has returned to his feel-good roots with Next Goal Wins. The film tells the true story of American Samoa’s soccer team, who became famous for their historic loss to Australia at the World Cup in 2001, ending the game at 31-0.
Michael Fassbender plays a soccer coach who is enlisted to turn their luck around as they get ready for the 2014 World Cup.
The film features a number of familiar Kiwi faces including David Fane, Oscar Kightley, Rhys Darby and Waititi himself making a cameo appearance. Elizabeth Moss, Beulah Koale, Lehi Falepapalangi, Semu Filipo, Uli Latukefu, Rachel House and Kaimana also star in the film.
Next Goal Wins opens in cinemas on 1 January 2023.