Short Story

Short Story: Home

Nicole was battling to complete the renovations on her 1930s home when out of the blue, a ghost from the house’s past showed up on her front porch.

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Short Story: Your Ancestors

A name is a word with meaning; it’s not just a cluster of letters. It represents history, hopes and dreams, memories, family and even a yearning for belonging.

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Short Story: Black Straw Hat

She was always running, but one story of Granny’s stopped this girl dead in her tracks … the day the man in the straw boater arrived.

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Short Story: Dorothy’s Dilemma

Dorothy’s saxophone-playing neighbour Eric liked to practise at all hours of the day and night, and had little regard for his elderly neighbour’s feelings. When Cheryl suggested a way Dorothy could deal with Eric’s lack of consideration, no-one could have foreseen the outcome.

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Short Story: Don’t be fooled by beauty

It was a beautiful day for a hike in the forest – flowers, birds, a waterfall to bathe in – but it ended in tragedy. Was it murder? Suicide? An accident? Nobody really knew what happened and if the victim’s wife knew, she wasn’t telling …

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Short Story: The Wishing Tree

Nina was definitely down on her luck. Her ex-husband had taken his share of the house proceeds, leaving her in a tiny place. She was waiting on his support cheque and a recent accident had caused her to lose her job. While buying some flowers to cheer herself up, she made a decision.

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MiNDFOOD Short Story: Elizabeth’s Funeral

Elizabeth asked in advance for a particular style of funeral and being a devoted husband, Mr Markham wanted to comply. But carrying out her wishes required some innovative thinking.

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Short Story: The Times are Hard

Growing up on the farm, life was simple and Jim and his sister couldn’t wait to move away and live a more sophisticated life. But when their dad became ill, his daughter travelled from her home in London to be with him and discovered she didn’t know where ‘home’ was any more.

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Short Story: The Unlucky Fisherman

The man had been fishing and communing with creatures of the sea since he was a child.
As an adult, he continued to fish to provide for his family but the pickings were sometimes slim and of course, fishing held its own inherent dangers and challenges.

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MiNDFOOD Short Story: A Shallow Bush Grave

It was supposed to be a special trip to the Simpson desert with her Pop, yet with his dinosaur-like opinions, their relationship became cooler each kilometre they travelled. Months later at his memorial service, her comments about Pop caused quite a stir among the mourners.

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Discover the Joy of Short Story Clubs: A Fresh Take on Reading and Connecting

Book clubs have long been a cherished way for literature enthusiasts to come together, discuss their favourite reads, and explore new literary horizons.

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Short Story: Honour Over Yabby Traps

When his beautiful boy is abused by a stranger over accidentally stealing his yabby trap, one father is torn. Should he let his son learn his lesson through tears, like he did? Or should he banish his own fears, do what he thinks is right, enter the lion’s den and confront the man?

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Short Story of the Month: The Piano Teacher by Danielle Deluka

Many years before, Delilah had suffered an unbearable loss after which she struggled to move on. Could learning the piano with the mysterious Magnolia and inhabiting her enticing, exotic world for one hour a week lead her to a more bearable place?

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Short Story of the Month NZ: Goddess

She had always hated the beach, believing it was not a place for generously proportioned souls who would rather be sipping tea with their grandmother. Yet a work outing helped her take the plunge by getting to know her colleagues, shedding her inhibitions and embracing change

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Short Story of the month Australia: Kenny

The experience of a childhood tragedy rears its head 30 years later when remembering all the young lives extinguished too soon and the searing loss of youth and innocence. Is it better to let heartbreak engulf us, or should we grieve a little in every moment, for every moment?

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Short Story: Pity-Party

As old, single uni mates of the bride and groom Jane and Max, Geoff and Stewart wondered whether they’d been seated at the ‘saddo losers’ table at their friends’ wedding. But once they got chatting to their tablemate Hazel, they realised their assumption was far from correct…

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Short story of the month NZ: Triphena

Growing up in her beloved Zululand, young Triphena went to work for the Matthews family, like her mother before her. After a frightening incident at home however, the Matthews decided to leave Africa for a more peaceful country called New Zealand and take Triphena with them

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Short Story of the Month AU: The Escape Artist

With work, endless demands from the family, footballs flying around the house and a million
and one things to do, sometimes it pays to have your own parallel universe. When life gets too much, you can always reach for the escape hatch and chill out in your private villa in Capri.

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Short Story of the Month NZ: I am where I eat by F. P. Donnan

Thanks to his amazing food, Neil’s food truck was a godsend for locals and delivered pure eating pleasure for his customers. Yet it was more than a go-to dining destination for one man; it was part of his youthful past, Neil delivering wisdom and generosity along with tasty treats.

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Short Story of the Month: Iris by Anita Tavendale

Becky had always loved visiting her nan and hearing about her life. Sharing tea and shortbread from her old biscuit tin was one of their greatest pleasures. Nan’s passion for cranes was legendary, and the bond the girl and her grandmother shared could never be broken.

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Short Story: The Trick

When Jaz and Dave’s adopted dog developed a new fascination with greyhound racing, it also seemed he had the ability to pick winners. They both reacted differently to Smokey’s talent: Jaz was disgusted by Dave’s risky gambling, while Dave went down the rabbit hole even further.

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Short Story: Mama Waited For The Rain

At her mother’s suggestion, Georgia left the family farm to head to the city for an education. Yet when she returned she discovered that her mama had learned about her brief moment of bliss with a friend … forcing Georgia to confront mama over why she had sent her away.

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Short Story: The Imposter

Having survived a living hell growing up with an abusive father who masqueraded as a pillar of society, Vanessa was now a bestselling author and finally ready to live her best life. 

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Short Story: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)

Joined by her ghostly dad for a moving encounter, one recently deceased woman got to see her own funeral in a variety of worlds. Yet apart from seeing who turned up, the reactions of the crowd and what songs they played, one of her biggest concerns was who’d look after her cat.

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