
Coffin therapy: Relaxing or depressing?

Casket manufacturer starts ‘coffin therapy’ business, offering customers a chance to lay inside a casket to rest their minds.

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Kinesiology. How well does your life work?

What seeds do you need to plant now, to harvest later in life? Kinesiologist Terese Mudgway teaches us how to achieve the perfect balance of energies and seasons in our life.

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Unlocking creativity

At five years of age we exhibit 95 per cent creative behaviour, by the time we reach 25 that number falls to 2 per cent. Executive producer and founder of Creative Universe, Tania De Jong, explains how we can activate our dormant creativity.

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Come on, get happy

Healer, author, and expert on happiness, Dain Heer teaches us how to unlock our active consciousness and be happy.

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Kids with mental illness

More and more children are suffering from mental health issues. Dr Lyn O’Grady discusses some of the problem behaviours, and the tell-tale signs you should watch out for.

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Understanding “Nowism”

Kat Dawes is the creator of the global transformation movement “Nowism” – the art of deliberately participating in the present, to receive your desired results. She shares her top tips on how to best embrace the ‘now’.

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Binge Eating: the other eating disorder

It may be lesser known, but binge eating is actually more common than other eating disorders. MiNDFOOD’s leading psychologist Dr Mary Grogan tells us more.

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The psychology of alcoholism

Forty per cent of society drink at dangerous levels, psychologist Erika Leonard addresses the problems associated with treating alcoholism and the new treatments available.

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Managing post traumatic stress disorder

Professor Mark Creamer is the former director of the Australian Centre for Post Traumatic Mental Health. He discusses this growing mental health concern with us.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Cold weather got you feeling blue? Seasonal Affective Disorder is an illness that affects four times more women than men and can cause similar symptoms to depression, psychologist Dr Leigh hodder explains more about S.A.D

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How to harness your emotional intelligence

From controlling, to suppressing them, everyone has different ways of dealing with their emotions. Emotional intelligence expert Sue Langley teaches us how to harness positive psychology, especially in the workplace.

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Interview: Ant Williams

Elite athlete and sports psychologist Ant Williams has pushed through physical and mental barriers to hold his breath for over eight minutes while free diving. MiNDFOOD Radio chats to him about the challenges faced by professional sports men & women today

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Treating depression the natural way

Professor Shaun Holt is author of the book, Depression: Natural Remedies that Really Work. He share some alternative therapies to treat depression without resorting to antidepressants.

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Mindfulness: the health benefits

Are you mindful? Holistic physician Dr Amy Saltzman specialisies in teaching mindfulness to kids and adults. She shares the benefits of being mindful to our mental health and emotional intelligence.

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How to untap your inner super-learner

Rhondda Stewart returns to chat about the brand new MiNDFOOD Better Your Wellbeing CDs, and how they can help you untap your inner super learner.

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Unlock your compassionate side

Whether you’re 13 or 90, everyone has the power to redeem or change themselves, to become more compassionate. Professor James Doty, professor of Neurosurgery, shares why this is beneficial for human growth.

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Brain Fitness for a longer memory

Train your brain now to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease later in life, with these simple brain exercises by Dr Greenstein.

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Looking for your creative mojo? (Part 1)

Looking for your creative mojo? It might be hiding… Dr Leigh Hodder teaches us how to find and it and harness our creative prowess again.

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Looking for your creative mojo? (Part 2)

According to Dr Leigh Hodder, creativity needs time, space and passion. She teaches us how to channel it in today’s corporate age.

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Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Spot the difference

There are over 100 different forms of dementia in the world, and it can affect people as young as 30. Andrew Italia teaches us the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, and shares the warning signs we should look out for.

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Dealing with depression

Radio broadcaster Craig Hamilton was 37 and getting ready to broadcast the Sydney Olympics when he experienced his first psychotic episode. 12 years on, he shares how to help our loved ones through depression.

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How to de-stress and unwind

MiNDFOOD’s resident hypnotherapist Rhondda Stewart talks us through how to change the way we respond to the stress we encounter in our day-to-day lives by becoming aware of stress-triggers.

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Autism: early intervention and support

We speak to Trevor Clarke from Autism Spectrum Australia about the growing need for support services for autistic children and their families and which early behaviour indicators to watch out for.

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Allowing yourself to heal

Author of ‘The Longest Journey’ and counsellor Amanda Stuart talks about how we can heal ourselves and our lives by confronting our past head on.

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Psychology posts.