
6 Ways to help teens stay mentally healthy

They don’t always listen, but encouraging teens to look after their wellbeing can improve their mental health – and might even save their life.

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How to look out for the mental health of your loved ones

Amid a cost-of-living crisis and ongoing uncertainty in the wake of pandemic, it’s vital that we look after our mental health and check in with our loved ones.

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Why you might feel anxious returning to ‘normal’ after lockdown – and how to cope

By Kristin Naragon-Gainey, Associate Professor, School of Psychological Science, and Director, Emotional Wellbeing Lab, The University of Western Australia.

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New study shows anxiety surged during pandemic, particularly among women

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in anxiety and major depressive disorders across the world, particularly among women and young people, a study published in the Lancet found.

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Boredom can be normal, we talk to the experts about the benefits of boredom

Sports, music and more: these days people feel obliged to schedule their lives – and those of their children – with constant activity. But what about the advantages of doing nothing for a while – what are the benefits of boredom?

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Fright Night: how to decode your dreams and nightmares

Nightmares can be terrifying. But if we pay attention, they can give us an insight into what’s really bothering us.

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Overcoming Trauma: How to help yourself

When life deals a tough blow, the trauma can have a resounding impact on the affected individual’s life. For those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, therapy and unwavering support are key in paving the road to recovery.

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How to spot the signs of covert narcissism

Narcissistic personality disorder can take forms other than the brash, arrogant type most commonly represented. Could you have a narcissist in your life without knowing it?

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The secret power of laughter

We know laughing makes us feel good but are we underestimating the power that humour has to transform our lives by improving our work, health and relationships?

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What loneliness looks like in the brain

Loneliness is increasingly being recognised as a major health problem, and previous studies have shown older people who experience loneliness have a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

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Research reveals why it is we feel empathy for inanimate objects

Why is it that we feel empathy for robots and other inanimate objects?

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Effective breathing techniques for anxiety and stress

Psychologist Dr Greg Smith shares an effective breathing technique for anxiety and stress.

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How to remedy a broken heart? Take aspirin and keep your distance

When it comes to a broken heart, aspirin and distance are the best treatment say psychologists.

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Christchurch shooting: healing in the wake of tragedy

Traumatic events can throw our world into chaos, and leave us feeling shocked, hurt, angry or helpless. However, we many have found the key to understanding how to best help people to recover from trauma – community connectedness.

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Researchers reveal how loneliness affects our health

Studies are showing that loneliness is a risk factor for a number of health issues. Problems like disturbed sleep and […]

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Psychologists explain why people struggle to achieve goals

A team of psychologists is shining a light on why people often make plans that are unrealistic and inevitably doomed to fail. 

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Poor sleep could affect children’s mental wellbeing

A new study has found that poor sleep could be taking a toll on children’s mental health.

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How to talk to children about natural disasters

As bushfires ravage Australia, many parents have been left wondering how to discuss natural disasters with their children.

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Meghan Trainor opens up about suffering a mental breakdown

Pop star Meghan Trainor has opened up about being overworked to the point she suffered a mental breakdown.

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The connection between worry and gut health

Worry and resulting anxiety can negatively impact our physical health, with the gastrointestinal system often experiencing distress. Functional gastrointestinal disorders – disorders that have no apparent physical cause – affect 35 to 70 per cent of people at some point in life. So how exactly does what’s happening in the mind impact how we feel in the gut?

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What is sound bath meditation?

We sat down with Brittany from Brthe to find out about the latest meditation practice that’s got everyone talking.

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Here’s how to make friends as an adult

Making new friends in adulthood often isn’t as simple as it was in childhood. MiNDFOOD looks at how to cultivate new friendships, the grown-up way.

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Study finds link between drinking tea and lower levels of depression in seniors

Could your daily cuppa help improve your mental health?

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Exposure to dogs could reduce risk of developing schizophrenia

Exposure to dogs in early life may reduce the risk of developing schizophrenia as an adult, according to new research.

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Psychology posts.