World Watch

Blair’s depressive state

Tony Blair was so depressed after the Iraq war that the then-British premier told Gordon Brown he would quit the following summer, only to renege on his pledge, a British newspaper report says, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Curfew imposed amid quake chaos

The Chilean Government has imposed a curfew on some of the areas worst affected by Saturday’s devastating earthquake, as the official death toll stretches beyond 700.

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All eyes set on ending Afghan war

The Afghan government and its Western allies now have their eyes firmly set on ending the eight-year war and recognise the only way to do that is to talk to the Taliban and give them a role in Afghanistan’s future.

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Obama plays to main street in crucial address

US President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address has been described as solid if not spectacular.

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Etiquette lesson revival

Academics at an Australian university are running courses for commerce students on how to converse and dine with clients without embarrassing themselves, and how to dress appropriately, reports MiNDFOOD.

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Will endemic corruption cripple Haiti?

Despite the best intentions of the international community, Haitians have little faith they will see the billions of dollars in aid pledged to rebuild their earthquake-shattered country, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Bahrain seeks UNESCO listing for pearl diving

Bahrain’s pearl project is part of efforts to diversify its economy away from oil and build up a tourism industry that caters to locals and regional visitors, reports MiNDFOOD.

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I know why Diana loved Australia, William says

Prince William has told an audience gathered at Government House in Melbourne that his love for Australia is shared by his whole family, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Obama feels voter anger after Senate shock

US Democrats are reeling after a stinging Senate election defeat in what was once the Democratic heartland dealt President Barack Obama a major political blow, one year after he came to office, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Freedom yoga

Prisoners in an Indian state who attend yoga classes will be freed early because the lessons improve self-control and lessen aggression, local authorities said. MiNDFOOD reports.

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Aftershock rattles Haiti, but aid continues

A new earthquake shook the devastated Haitian capital Port-au-Prince early on Wednesday, rattling already wrecked buildings and triggering panic among survivors of last week’s devastating quake, reports MiNDFOOD.

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Could Prince William herald an end to the republic dream?

Prince William’s visit to Australia was the perfect opportunity for the country to get to know the man who could one day be unelected head of state, reports MiNDFOOD.

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Oceanic Viking Tamils head to NZ

New Zealand has agreed to take 13 Sri Lankan refugees who spent weeks refusing to leave an Australian Customs boat in Indonesia last year, MiNDFOOD reports.

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MP horrified by altered bin Laden pic

A Spanish politician says he is “stupefied” by the FBI’s decision to use his photograph to compose its latest image of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and is considering taking legal action, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Haiti worst disaster in decades

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has described the Haiti earthquake as the worst humanitarian crisis in decades, as he surveyed devastated Port-au-Prince for himself.

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United in hope

Burma’s Karen people have suffered forced labour, 
beatings and rape, but a group of women are standing strong, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Bottleneck paralyses Haiti relief efforts

International relief to quake-devastated Haiti was reduced to a trickle this morning after the capital’s airport was overwhelmed by a sudden influx of aid planes, MiNDFOOD reports.

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White House condemns pastor’s ‘devil pact’ comments

The White House has dismissed a comment by evangelical preacher Pat Robertson that Haiti’s earthquake was retribution for the country swearing a “pact to the devil”, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Sarkozy favors vote on potential full veil ban

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Wednesday that he favored a parliamentary vote on the potential ban of full Islamic veils in France that would be followed by legal steps after regional elections in 2010, MiNDFOOD reports.

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Death toll rises in Haiti

Bodies are being piled up on the streets of Haiti’s capital as the country’s Prime Minister estimates 100,000 people might have died in yesterday’s earthquake.

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Make Australia Day a light beer day

A senior policeman with the New South Wales Alcohol and Licensing Branch has called on bottle shops to restrict sales of full-strength alcohol on Australia Day.

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Clinton cancels visit as Red Cross mobilises

Hillary Clinton has cancelled her trip to New Zealand and Australia as the US ramps up its efforts to get aid into Haiti’s devastated earthquake zone, reports MiNDFOOD.

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Hundreds feared dead in Haiti earthquake

A local doctor says he fears that hundreds of people have been killed by the massive earthquake which hit Haiti this morning.

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Hillary heads Down Under

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Australia and New Zealand next week, further cementing improved relations with two key Pacific allies in a region overshadowed by the rise of China.

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