
Scared of needles? Claustrophobic? One longer session of exposure therapy could help as much as several short ones

For the one in 13 people who suffer from phobias, the mere mention of spiders, heights, enclosed spaces or other triggers can cause distress.

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Why do I remember embarrassing things I’ve said or done in the past and feel ashamed all over again?

We’ve all done it – you’re walking around going about your business and suddenly you’re thinking about that time in high school you said something really stupid you would never say now.

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What’s behind the mysterious rise in teenage girls experiencing tics?

After the COVID era began, a huge wave of teen girls began developing persistent twitching movements. What’s the cause?

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Can you learn a language in your sleep? We found you may be able to pick up some words

From Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World to Dexter’s Laboratory cartoon series, sleep-learning has been a recurring theme in fiction. The idea that we can learn while asleep has fascinated many, but whether it is sheer fantasy or scientifically possible has long remained a mystery.

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I think I have ADHD, how do I get a diagnosis? What might it mean for me?

Finally receiving an ADHD diagnosis for many is a positive, life-changing experience. It can make sense of a lifetime of unexplained difficulties, often attributed incorrectly to being “lazy” or “incompetent”.

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Emma Thompson shares her tips for better mental health

She’s known for her cheery, upbeat demeanour. But Emma Thompson reminds us no one is immune to mental illness.

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R U OK? Three simple words could save a life

R U OK? People are being urged to start a conversation about mental health that could save someone’s life.

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Is narcissism a mental health problem? And can you really diagnose it online?

It’s not uncommon these days to hear someone – such as an ex romantic partner or a politician – described as a “narcissist”.

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Taking a mental health day can be good for you – here’s how to make the most of one

When you’re feeling sick, you know it’s probably best to take the day off from work in order to recover and feel better. But while we may know how important it is to take care of our mental health, many of us may still hesitate to take time off work in order to do this.

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Four ways to stop thinking the worst will happen when you’re stressed

Imagine you have an interview for a new job tomorrow. Some people might think about what kind of questions they […]

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Cutting the puppet strings: how to spot the signs of manipulation

How can you tell when someone is convincing you to see things their way for honourable reasons and when they are using you for their personal gain?

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Too much screen-time? Tips and tricks to keep our screen-time habits healthy

New data from Hootsuite and We Are Social has revealed just how much time we spend surfing the web.

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What do we know about complex PTSD and how to treat it?

We all have moments from our earlier years we’d like to forget, but what if your worst memories kept re-emerging to traumatise you over and over?

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How scammers like Anna Delvey and the Tinder Swindler exploit a core feature of human nature

The stories of famous scammers are examples of bad actors exploiting the social processes people rely on every day, writes Vanessa Bohns, a social psychologist and professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University.

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3 life lessons we can learn from Brené Brown

In 2004, Dr Brené Brown became a global sensation after her Ted Talk, ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ went viral. Since then, she’s gone on to film a Netflix special, write several books, and open a training programme for professionals.

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Cyclone Gabrielle: How to talk to children about traumatic events

How do we talk with our children about the recent traumatic events affecting the world when we battle to comprehend the horror ourselves?

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Could you suffer from ‘face blindness’ like Brad Pitt?

The Oscar-winning actor is certain he has prosopagnosia, a condition whereby a person cannot recognise people’s faces, though remains undiagnosed.

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How the brain tunes in to unfamiliar voices while you’re sleeping – and why it matters

Have you ever watched a duck sleep and wondered how it keeps one eye open? Ducks, like many other birds, sleep with one half of the brain awake while the other half sleeps. This is called “unihemispheric sleep” and allows the animal to monitor the environment for predators while getting the rest it needs.

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Cosmic curve balls: how to deal with the unpredictability of life

As human beings, we like to feel that if we plan well and work hard, our diligence will be rewarded and good things will come our way. However, it’s wise (and good for mental health) to recognise that certain things are beyond our control.

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Study finds face masks make people more attractive

Surprisingly, blue medical masks were deemed the most attractive.

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Learning to read starts earlier than you might think: Five tips from an expert

Learning to read does not begin when a child puzzles over the words in a book for the first time.

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Stress is a health hazard. But a supportive circle of friends can help undo the damaging effects on your DNA

Stress affects up to 90% of people, and we know it harms our mental and physical well-being.

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Alzheimer’s: physical exercise may reduce brain inflammation, helping to protect us from the disease

Physical activity is very important for a number of reasons – including that it helps to protect the structure and function of our brain as we age. This may be key in reducing the risk of developing certain neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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Why some people find it harder to be happy

The self-help industry is booming, fuelled by research on positive psychology – the scientific study of what makes people flourish.

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