
What is the Nordic diet and is it healthy for you? The latest research

New research is shining a light on the impressive health benefits of a lesser-known but nutritious diet.

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How to keep your health in balance over Easter

Five ways to stay mindful and avoid over-eating this Easter weekend.

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When you eat matters: How your eating rhythms impact your mental health

When the main circadian clock in the brain is out of sync with eating rhythms, it impacts the brain’s ability to function fully.

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Iodine-packed and gut-friendly: the health benefits of seaweed

Seaweed is a versatile and delicious superfood that we can all benefit from consuming.

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How potato milk measures up against other plant-based milk alternatives

Duane Mellor, Lead for Evidence-Based Medicine and Nutrition at Aston University, looks at the latest trend in alternative milk.

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How to swap meat for nutritious alternatives – and why it’s a good thing to do

Ruth Fairchild and Shirley Hinde, both senior lecturers in Nutrition at Cardiff Metropolitan University offer their advice for healthy meat swaps.  

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Extra virgin olive oil: why it’s healthier than other cooking oils

It’s common advice for people watching their waistlines or looking to eat healthier to beware of the amount of oil they use while cooking. But that doesn’t mean we should cut oil entirely from our diet. This is because extra virgin olive oil in particular can have many benefits for our health.

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A new way to stem obesity? Why scientists are focusing on food types and gene therapy

Biological differences could lead to new means of fighting the global obesity epidemic. 

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Sugar detox? Cutting carbs? A doctor explains why you should keep fruit on the menu

A physician specialising in preventive medicine explains how patients who adopt whole-food plant-based diets increase carbohydrate intake and often see reversal of chronic diseases including diabetes and hypertension.

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Food as medicine: How to eat yourself well

Your diet has a big impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing. But which foods promote your health or treat existing conditions? We ask the experts what should be on your plate. 

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How to avoid fatigue as we head into the festive season

Nutritionist Nikki Hart shares her top tips for wellness over summer and to avoid fatigue during the busy periods.

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Study finds moderate carbohydrate intake has benefits for women’s cardiovascular health

Women’s heart health has been the focus of a recent study by Monash University, with researchers finding that proportional carbohydrate intake and not saturated fat was significantly associated with cardiovascular disease benefit in Australian women.

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Give your health a boost with these vitamins for spring and summer

Boost your health over the sunny seasons with these essential vitamins.

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Obesity study: You are what you eat, not how much you eat

Overeating does not always make you overweight, according to research published by Oxford University Press (OUP), which put the US’s “obesity epidemic” down to processed carbs prompting hormones to cause widespread metabolic mayhem.

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New research suggests eating more plant foods may lower heart disease risk in young adults

The American Heart Association has found eating a plant-centred diet during young adulthood is associated with a lower risk of heart disease in middle age.

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5 pantry staples to support good gut health

The Gut Health Dietitian, Nicole Dynan shares the five pantry ingredients that support a healthy functioning gut.

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Superfood spotlight: what are tiger nuts and how to eat them

A small cousin of the sweet potato and a staple ingredient in Spain’s creamy milk horchata drink, tiger nuts have enjoyed a rise in popularity in recent years due to their incredible health benefits.

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What is keto flu?

You have probably heard about the health benefits of the keto diet, including for fast and sustained weight loss. But, you may have also heard about the symptoms and complications of the diet. We take a look into some of these and unpack what is keto flu.

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5 popular diet myths debunked by a nutritionist

Molecular nutritionist Dr Emma Beckett reveals the truth about the most popular diet claims.

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7 ways to keep your bowels healthy

Fibre-rich foods and probiotics are vital, but what else can we do to ward off bowel cancer and other gut diseases?

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Learn the difference between good calories and bad calories

While most adults consume more food than they need, simply counting good calories and cutting down is not enough – it’s important to select foods and consume calories based on nutritional values.

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Growing Green: easy-to-grow vegetables and herb tips

With these easy-to-grow vegetable and herb tips, it’s time to start enjoying the salad days of summer now and all year-round!

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What happens to your body when you drink Diet Coke?

We know what its sugary counterpart does, but do you know what happens to your body when you drink Diet Coke?

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6 most common nutrient deficiencies

From strengthening bones to producing blood cells, essential nutrients play an important role in keeping you healthy and feeling good. There are many nutrient deficiencies out there, find out which ones are the most common.

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