When it comes to cooking, it’s usually the simplest of tips that make all the difference to a meal. Here are my answers to a few questions that readers have sent my way.
Dear Dixie
Where should eggs be stored?
Phillip, Randwick
Dear Phillip
Eggs should be kept in the fridge. When baking, remove the required number of eggs from the fridge 30 minutes before using to allow the eggs to reach room temperature.
Dear Dixie
Why do you need to sift flour three times when making sponge cake?
Shannyn, Taupo
Dear Shannyn
Sifting flour three times removes lumps and incorporates air, which gives a lighter sponge. When adding the flour to the beaten egg it’s important to gently fold the flour so the mixture is not deflated.
Dear Dixie
How long should it take to roast a chicken?
Tina, Hobart
Dear Tina
I usually roast chicken at 200C for about 1½ hours. The cooking time will vary depending on the size of the chicken. To check that a chicken is cooked through insert a bamboo skewer into the thickest part of the thigh. If the juices run clear it’s cooked. However, if the juices are pink you should roast the chicken for a little longer.