Wise Up To Exercise


Wise Up To Exercise
Even a single work-out may have beneficial effects on a wide range of brain functions.

Just one training session could aid your mood, memory, attention, reaction times and even creativity, according to new research from the Center for Neural Science at New York University.

“Neurophysiological and neurochemical changes show that widespread brain areas and brain systems are activated after exercise,” says principal investigator Wendy Suzuki.

The study demonstrates that aerobic exercise has profound effects on brain chemistry and physiology. The behavioural effects of a single exercise “intervention” include improved executive function, enhanced mood and decreased stress levels. The results are a big step toward understanding how the positive impact of exercise may accrue over time to cause long-lasting changes in the brain.

“Exercise interventions are currently being used to help address everything from cognitive impairments in normal ageing, minimal cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease to motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease and mood states in depression,” Suzuki says.

So if you’re serious about keeping your mind healthy and active, it’s worth moving your body too.

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Bag the benefits of cross training

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Exercise motivation

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