If you found yourself answering emails and doing work to get ahead on your recent holiday, you may be starting the year on the wrong foot. Research from the University of Zurich showed that when boundaries between work and personal life are blurred, a person’s sense of wellbeing is affected. Late nights in the office, a lack of sleep and a caffeine-fueled diet – not to mention the emotional and mental stress constantly working your brain can cause – typically leads to exhaustion, stress and unhappiness.
The study involved 1916 participants from a range of German-speaking countries. The researchers found employees who did not organise a separation between work and free time were less likely to participate in activities that could help them relax and recover from career demands.
They were more exhausted and experienced a lower sense of balance and wellbeing in the different key aspects of their lives. Lead researcher Ariane Wepfer says it is important that employees manage their professional and personal boundaries because impaired wellbeing goes hand in hand with reduced productivity and reduced creativity.
Try the following to really relax on your off-time: