When it rains it pours


When it rains it pours
You'll never guess what this stunning landscape used to be

The Atacama desert in Chile is the driest non-polar desert on Earth, but these images just go to show, that even a barren landscape can blossom into rolling hills of flora, as far as the eye can see.

In October and November this arid desert receives the most amount of rainfall it will experience all year. It is when the rains begin that the flowers, that lay ‘hibernating’ beneath the clay surfaces, suddenly begin to bloom.

This incredible sight was spawned by Hurricane Patricia, the most powerful hurricane to make landfall on record.

Daniel Diaz, the National Tourism Service director in Atacama, told the EFE news agency that this record rainfall “had no precedent.”

“The fact that it has happened twice in a same year has never been recorded in the country’s history. We are surprised.”

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