Book worms rejoice!
Finally someone came up with a nifty solution for when your favourite books are ruined by water.
Whether you’re lazing at the beach or at home in the bath, there’s never a better time to get stuck into a good book.
But this moment of relaxation can quickly turn into frustration should you lose your grip and have the book fall into the wet sand or take a dive into your bath.
An innovative couple have come up with a solution to this reading dilemma, waterproof books.
The Amsterdam-based duo founded Bibliobath, a company that is aiming to publish waterproof works of classic literature.
Jasper Jansen and Wing Wen have written of the difficulties they have in ‘unplugging’ from the world before immersing themselves in a good book:
“What works for us is to relax in a hot bath, switch off our phones and settle into a great literary classic. But paper and water don’t mix, and an iPad in a plastic sheet just doesn’t do it for us,” they write. “We want to read, not skim and swipe. That is why we are creating fully waterproof versions of great works of literature and poetry,” reads their Kickstarter page.
So how do you waterproof a book and what will that look like?
Forget your children’s favourite clunky bath time books, these novels will consist of bound pages of polypropylene, a popular material used for other print items like trading cards and fish identification tiles that divers take with them while below the water.
Initial titles include Macbeth, The Art of War, Mark Twain’s short stories and Yeats’s poetry. A $19 pledge to the duo’s Kickstarter will get you a single copy.